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How Much Do These Civilians Know About The Military?

It appears to me that they believe all assignments in the military are in Rangers, Special Forces, etc. They ask the same questions over and over, even though YA gives them a prompt about similar questions already posed.

11 Answers

  • Amy S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It cracks me up... I can't help but envision a recruiter jumping up and saying, "Are you REALLY (insert name here)??? REALLY?? Gosh, we've been just waiting for you! Here's your uniform, and you know what? You don't even have to apply to BUDS, you're such hot stuff, you're IN! That's right! You are a NAVY SEAL!! Someone call the President! Now that (insert name again) is here, the war's all but over!"

    Source(s): Proud Mom of a United States Marine!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hear you Brother. Frickin' Wannabe's. I love the ones that after three weeks in BCT are crying mama and want out of the military. They think the Army and Marines are all infantry, the Air Force are all pilots, and the Navy all are on Air Craft Carriers. I'm betting that the ones enlisting for SF, Rangers, Force Recon, all wash out and wind up as cooks. They wouldn't know a snake eater if I came up and bit them.

    I've had my asss in the grass and have seen sh*t no human should see. Yeah, I puked my boots off, but I shook it off and went to work. It was that or die. They don't know what it is to take a life and then live with it for thirty some years. Seeing their faces everything you close your eyes or catch the scent off of chinese food and find yourself back in the war.

    Yep, they're all are heading for a rude awakening.

    Source(s): Vigilant Always Decorated Disabled Vietnam Veteran U.S. Army Security Agency / U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Army 24th PSYOPS (DS) Co. 05H10 EW/SIGINT Morse Interceptor 05K20 EW/SIGINT Non-Morse Interceptor 96B30S Intelligence Analyst 96C30S Interrogator
  • Carrot
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No disrespect intended, but by classifying all the civilians around as clueless about the military, aren't you guilty of the same type of generalization as the civilians you're criticizing?

    I do agree that it's obnoxious to be asked the same thing over and over, but it's not hurting anyone. And it's Yahoo!Answers-- what do you expect? If you want the participants to all be well informed military experts, stick to sites that cater to people seeking depth of knowledge.

    Source(s): Myself - a well informed civilian (hopefully soon to be a Naval Officer) and a Navy girlfriend
  • 1 decade ago

    Because our system relies on civilian control of the military, civilians have to know more about the military. As military members we have an obligation to teach. I'd rather answer the same question over and over again than have to try to undo someones ill informed preconceived notions where they either think they already know or don't care what I know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dude, I know! I really didn't know the core facts of the military until a few months ago when I did a ton of research and started watching documentaries and talking with people about my decision to join (people who had served) and so now I really feel like I understand military life so much better. But when I talk about it to other people about it, they assume that the military is all this Hollywood played-up junk. For instance, one of my friends who is a girl acted like me joining the military was going to be this glamourous thing and that I was going to look so "hot" in uniform. It was like it was all a game to her. People don't understand what is deeply involved in the military and how it is so wrongly presented in movies and tv shows. They are so sadly clueless.

  • Todd H
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The majority of persons asking these questions are young kids who have seen only movies. They have no idea what the real military is like. That's why I went into the Marine Corps, so I could defend their right to ask the same questions over and shut the ***** up.

    What have yiu done?

    Fmr .Marine Scout Sniper and Disabled Veteran

  • 1 decade ago

    They refuse to believe the average soldier is not Sean Connery and Chuck Norris, and that a hand grenade cannot create a massive explosion that throws people back in a huge, firey inferno.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya unless you have actually served keep your wanna be military life on Call of Duty

    Source(s): Honorable USAF, OEF, OIF Vet
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Waaay too many kids are influenced by video games, tv shows, and movies. They think that if they join the military they can be invincible and never die. But believe me all of them wouldn't be able to even make it past basic training.

    Source(s): 16 year old smart teen. Thinking about joining.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hey they played world at war and watched officer and a genetlemen what else is there to know

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