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Why are some people so passionate about saying climate change is a hoax?

Look down the questions list. Notice how the same people ask the same questions over and over? Why is this? What drives so many people here spend so much time refuting AGW? I know what they'll say... "Because it's a hoax!" Or "Because it'll cost us all of our money/economy/etc". But, Really... Have a look at this pie chart of the 2009 US federal budget.

Notice anything? There's NOTHING on climate change in there at all. Yes I'm sure the US government is spending some money on climate change, but it's so insignificant that it's not even a statistic against things like welfare, health, military, education, etc.

It's. Not. There.

"But it's not spending, it's a TAX on US!" I hear the denialists scream. Sure, there will be some sticks out there for greenhouse gas emitters, but there's just as many carrots for those reducing and/or eliminating emissions as well. Carrots and Sticks are there to change the system, not tax more. No government would survive long in power if they increased overall taxes too much. Why don't the denialists realise this?

Besides... How much do you think the MASSIVE economic stimulus package to (try to) cope with the GFC is going to cost us all in long term taxes?...

One last thing. The denialists will say then why are people like ME spending so much time trying to help to reduce manmade climate change? Er, that's easy. I'm very worried we're destroying the atmospheric climate for human (and the vast majority of other species) habitation, and that it will have very large and very bad implications for us all, in especially for our kids and theirs, etc.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The contraians have perfected the circular arguments. They have more than 50 different reasons they use to say AGW is a hoax. They can't even agree on any single one of them. All they do is deny Science.

  • 1 decade ago

    People are passionate about denying global warming because they find environmental regulation politically antithetical. They see any restriction on business as an expense and an attack on freedom, and any tax as an attack on their pocketbook. I sense a great deal of fear in their arguments--fear, perhaps, that they'll be forced to lower their own standard of living. But more directly, a fear that they'll lose their income even while the cost of living is driven up. Ultimately, this is an economic and political issue.

    A huge portion of the world economy is premised around the extraction and use of fossil fuels--the ideas of reduced CO2 emissions and economic growth are somewhat contradictory.

    Given the immense size of the issue, a complete solution is likely to be very expensive indeed. I daresay a war on climate change will be more expensive than a war on terrorism.

    Moreover, when you get down to the details most of the climate models are not that great. I suspect many of the models are based on the premises that global temperatures are supposed to be stable at about the temp we had in 1800, and that global climate change happens on a very long timescale. If you look only at the last 11,000 years, those are pretty fair assumptions to make. But if you look at the bigger picture (say, the last 5 or 10 million years), both of those assumptions seem pretty far-fetched.

    The biggest issue, however, is that lots of people do not understand the science. Many deniers believe that one cold week in January means the whole theory is wrong. People also believe that since the weather is naturally variable, and since the world is so big--that we small humans could not possibly do anything to affect the climate. What we are seeing, they say, is natural change that would have happened whether we burn coal or not. Since science can't prove a negative, we'll never know--just as they cannot prove that the billions of tons of greenhouse gases we've emitted have no effect.

  • 1 decade ago

    My take on this, is that although there is no doubt that all of mankind must work much more diligently when it comes to going "Green". There are some that have taken this to where people are getting turned off by the whole subject.

    The likes of Al Gore, has been cause for so very many people frowning on everything that is said about being environmentally conscious . It is without a doubt, that much of what we do has a long term affect on the environment, there also must be taken into consideration the normal cycles of the weather upon the earth. When you have Al Gore going to other countries and ranting about how terrible the United State is, and how they alone are responsible for all the woes of the world. Then, you have a monster that has done more harm than good. And that in turn makes people very intolerant of talk on the subject.

    Over the past three winters we have seen some of the coldest temperatures and the largest amount of snow fall, then we have experienced in a considerable number of years. This past winter being the most significant low temps and increase in the amount of snowfall.

    Yes, we need to become a "world" of "Green", but let's not go around bashing countries and people in the attempt to do so. People need to be treated with respect while being educated on this important issue.

    Source(s): The above is personal thoughts with no particular source used.
  • 1 decade ago

    Not true.

    Energy, Department of Agriculture, NASA, EPA. All of these must do some form of work in relation to environment.

    Just home much of your taxes do you think went to James Hansen when he went to defend the criminals in Great Britain?

    The problem is the screechers have buffaloed you into believing that there is an equilibrium state. There isn't one. And if it were just what is that number? Is the earth actually the temperature it is "supposed" to be. Should it be cooler should it be warmer? What state is equilibrium? Trying to stop the climate from changing is like trying to stop the sun from coming up in the morning. Even if you close your doors tightly and shut all the windows so that no sunlight comes in your house the sun will still rise.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I guess I'm "some people"

    Basically CO2, The Dreaded Green House Gas - is what plants consume to stay alive.

    Generally I think a warmer planet would be better then a colder one. The very notion of GW is great, If the planet was warmer we would burn less fuels warmer our personal environments

    Sea levels could rise as much as 3 meters in the next hundred years. - You know that seems like a long time. I don't think many are going to drown.

    Additionally no persons can explain how the same gas can allow energy from the sun to enter the atmosphere then not allow it to except.

    Humans are tiny insignificant, creators with visions of grandeur

    Lastly, I don't care how long you dance, or how colorful your headdress, you are not going to change the weather.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because people don't want to accept that they're lives are going to be at risk and that they will have to stand up to face the issue and do something about it.

    Some people are weak hearted, afraid to stand up, and refuse to face the facts. They want to keep having 30 minute showers and just want the problem to go away.



    Theres plenty of evidence.

    In my opinion, global warming amy just kill enough of us out, industrial civilization will fail, and therefor no more C02 is being pumped into the atmos and the Earth will either come back to normal, or Earth will just become inhabitable for life. Unless an ultimate solution is found, or just maybe, we cut down emmisions just enough to survive and repair the earth, and plant more trees.

    Or just maybe, just maybe, its all a big mistake. (like maybe the plants will start to grow bigger and cosume more C02)

    But then theres the problem of resources, biodiversity loss, water running out etc. We will all die in the end. Lol

    Source(s): (im not an environmentalist) (i Just sound like one)
  • 1 decade ago

    I quote Allan M R MacRae:

    "Hundreds of billions have been already wasted trying to fight global warming.

    The recent warming trend that Earth has experienced is largely natural, as is the new cooling trend that could last up to ~30 years.

    There are sad consequences of this huge misallocation of scarce global resources to fight a myth - catastrophic humanmade global warming simply does not exist.

    What used to exist were about twenty million children age 5 and less, who died in recent decades due to lack of clean drinking water. For no more money that was wasted on the phony war against global warming, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities could have been installed and millions of kids saved.

    That is just one cost of badly misplaced priorities."

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are some people so passionate about saying climate change is fair dinkum? And not just part of the natural order of things. These zealots claim that the poles are having the greatest melts in the history of the world. BS. What they are not telling you, is that through the polar winters, the freeze is the largest in the history of the world. Booga, booga, fraidy cats. All this bull dust, is about setting up carbon trading schemes to add more cost to every thing we use in life. Just another way to steal the wealth of the working people of the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very simply, the general public is lead by their nose according to their political and general world view or ideology. They don't understand the science they accept or deny, which is not their fault. They are not climatologists. Most of the comments made here with regard to the science are clearly mistaken, misunderstood notions of what the science says.

  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming denial is kind of a cult. Their members are ideological, and fervently against the idea of reducing GHG emissions.

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