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David Archuleta on Habbo? :P?

My habbo isn't working and the live chats tomorrow!

I just created one yesterday,

I heard its some creepy virtual village type thingie made up of 10 year olds..

When i tried it, its like loading, then "installing shockwave" for an hour and the bar thing doesnt even move.


If you want, add me,



2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL, yes i saw that too. I think thats because you need to install shockwave and its not letting you insall it there. You should look up or find a shockwave you can download before you miss him. I'm hoping to c him as well ^_^ Good luck hope you can c him >_>

  • 1 decade ago

    I had it all working but I couldn't get in the room. I later heard they only let 50 people in the room.

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