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What would it take for you to break up?

Under what circumstances would you break up? What would you take and what wouldn't you? What would push you over the edge?

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Cheating, being abused, getting put down, having a guy think he has total control of your life.. I def couldn't take that.

  • Kyle S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Look honestly you have to seriously cheat like date another guy

    as in drunken one night stupidity might get a one time pass if you really were sorry.

    Over clingyness could be a problem

    Too much jealousy

    Basically I would always try to work it out. Love takes an investment form both sides. I would hate to see that wasted.

  • Fallen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Simple as that. Why put up with someone that, who is in a relationship with you, has the audacity to go out and see another person? I don't care what the reason is, they will be out the door and if it is marriage when cheating happens, than, well, they better hope for a miracle when the divorce is all said and done with.

  • 1 decade ago

    CHEATING- I have 0 tolerance for a cheater if you cheated I do not care for circumstances get away from me you whore.

    Clingyness- If you are overly clingy goodbye

    Bitchyness- Again see ya

    Conceited- your gone

    lying- goodbye

    I dont put up with anything.

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  • 1 decade ago


    Abuse ( physical or emotional)

    Drug or Acholical (abuse)

    Curelty to aniamls or children ( like a child molestor)

    Him not respecting me or my family

    And just being an all around jack-***

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cheating, being treated badly, drugs/alcohol abuse, disrespectful, lazy, can't keep a job, baby mama drama etc. Waay too many to list. What can I say...I don't put up with much crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he and I weren't happy being together anymore. For whatever reason that was I'd break-up with him or we'd do it together. if he liked someone else, I'd let him go to her. If he lost interest i'd let him go. He'd have to lose interest in me or visa versa.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would take knowing I have tried everything I could to make it work first!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a b i t c h...

    I just have a low bullshit tolerance!

  • violence





    demeaning me

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