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Is the media guilty of obscuring the truth about condoms and the spread of AIDS?

Timesonline is guilty of lies by ommission. Many news agencies are doing the same. The Dictator of Moral Relativism has the media in his pocket. Here is what they won't tell you when they try to set up the Pope to look like a fool:

Last year, Edward C. Green, director of the AIDS Prevention Research Project at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, wrote that ‘In every African country in which HIV infections declined, this decline has been associated with a decrease in the proportion of men and women reporting more than one sex partner over the course of a year—which is exactly what fidelity programs promote.’ As for condom use, Green said, ‘Many countries that have not seen declines in HIV have seen increases in condom use, but in every country worldwide in which HIV has declined there have been increases in levels of faithfulness and usually abstinence as well.’ The Catholic Church, it is well known, has been at the forefront of such programs. It also operates more hospitals and related medical centers for AIDS patients than any other private institution in the world.

“If condoms were the answer, then why is it that New York City, which under Mayor Michael Bloomberg has given away tens of millions of free condoms, has an HIV rate three times the national average? Furthermore, the promiscuous distribution of condoms in New York has coincided with a spike in sexually transmitted diseases of all sorts. Isn’t it time we learned that condom worship is irrational?

“Anyone who thinks that condom distribution, education and/or research is going to solve a problem which is mostly a function of behavioral recklessness is positively clueless. Not only that, such persons unwittingly contribute to the problem by diverting attention and resources away from that which works.”

Update 2:

One clown demands I give a source, which I did, which isn't necessary anyway since names and organizations are explicitly spelled out. Sources on sources on sources and I may as well prove the universe. Keep rasing the bar, since you have no argument.

Update 3:

scazzum demands that I give exact stats on every city in the world, which is ridiculous.

Update 4:


Dr. Edward C. Green

Director, AIDS Prevention Research Project

Hmm... a Protestant web site and the Washing Post are biased in favor of trhe Pope?

yer stretchin' it, Josh.

Update 5:

Kris K:

"However, at least he is publishing in peer reviewed journals, at times, which is following scientific procedure."

Well, yea!

but where is your proof of the times he isn't following scientific procedure??

You have a list of straw men and silly presuppostions.

Update 6:

Next, some dork will whine about Harvard being a Catholic university and is biased.

Update 7:

No, AIDS is not a punishment for sin. Babies can get AIDS too.

It's a CONSEQUENCE of immorality, regardless of what a person believes or not believes. Disobeying moral laws has consequenses the same as disobeying the laws of gravity. Jump off a building and you will get hurt...maybe fatally.

Update 8:

Let My People Go, AIDS Profiteers

KAMPALA, Uganda -- The President's Emergency Plan for HIV-AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been mired in the Senate for months. Last week finally brought signs that a vote, and passage, could be near. The program would cost $50 billion -- that's $165 from each American to fight AIDS, or $1.3 billion from New York City alone. But will the money allocated for AIDS stop the spread of the virus in sub-Saharan Africa, where 76 percent of the world's HIV-AIDS deaths occurred last year?

Not if the dark dealings I've witnessed in Africa continue unchecked. In the fight against AIDS, profiteering has trumped prevention. AIDS is no longer simply a disease; it has become a multibillion-dollar industry.

But people hate the Pope because the real crooks have the media in their pocket, and the media influences public opinion to the point of pandemic stupidity.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The media is guilty of obscuring the truth about AIDS because the problem makes money plus kills people in poor people in undeveloped countries & mainly sluty people in developed counties.

    these are the many ways in which AIDS virus makes money.

    1. scientific research for a treatment (not a cure) as this can be used alot more than a onestop cure (lucrative but immoral).

    2. pharmaceutical sales

    3. doctors/nurses are employed

    4. hospitals get more government help

    5. condom sales go through the roof

    6. stops the poor people in africa & asia from populating (save money by not feeding them)

    7. kills mainly homosexuals (who are still humans) as they are childless & cant be cared by family when thier old.

    8. money to charities.

    the bottom line is that condoms dont work, but attitudes to sex can work. further more it doesnt matter where your sources are from as long as they are research well as some of the critics to this arguement refute the credibility because the source is catholic or something else, but the persons problem is thier prejudices to religion who told you not to sleep around in the first place which could of stopped people from getting AIDS.

    If you know how the "broken window falicy of economics works" then you will know how this works out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, sorry. Is that the same Catholic church in Africa that has priests impregnating nuns (no condoms in catholocism, remember, and the priests are afraid of AIDS from the locals they usually take advantage of) and then forcing the nuns to get abortions (so much for catholicism) or kicking them out of the church for being pregnant? Yeah, I'm going to trust the stats of those priests.

    Secondly, unless condoms were made mandatory at every sexual encounter, with enforcement at gunpoint and unless there was absolutely no other way to get AIDS (other fluids, shared needles, etc.) then why would anyone expect that condoms would guarantee an automatic reduction in AIDS? All it takes is an idiot with AIDS who doesn't like condoms to have sex with another idiot without AIDS and have them beat the odds and spread it.

    What condoms do is provide protection for those smart enough to use them when they have sex with someone dumb enough to have not used a condom every time in the past and unlucky enough to suffer the odds.

    Add to that that you have catholic scum (and there is no better word for people who would do this) in Africa, telling the unwashed, AIDS-threatened, ignorant and religious masses to not use the condoms they are provided because it is against God's will. The same fornicators who break their own celibacy rules by raping nuns because their advice on condoms has increased the spread of AIDS so much that they don't dare break their own celibacy rules with a local.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I looked up this Edward C. Green, and notice he likes to heavily spice his research with faith-based dogma and interpretations. Since he seems to do so as one very small voice in a scientific discussion in which he is truly overwhelmed by evidence to the contrary, I doubt his results very much.

    However, at least he is publishing in peer reviewed journals, at times, which is following scientific procedure. I very much doubt if he is finding others coming to the same conclusions, as such huge organization as the WHO, SARC, UNAIDS, NACO, etc. have great evidence of long-term research on how condoms do prevent the spread of HIV.

    You are looking at only one professor, with a suspicious religious background, who may be fudging his statistics (intentionally or not) to get the results to fit his beliefs. Ever heard of pious fraud?

    By the way, I think you are only focusing on sex as the source of transmission. New York City might also have a higher rate of infection because the higher number of intravenous drug users.

    Oh, and how can you divert attention and resources away from abstinence? You don't need any equipment to abstain! Just say- don't have sex. Done.

    My proof is that he is publishing in religious magazines (two of your sources are also religious), which do not follow a scientific method. If they did, they might realize that their religion is a little suspicious. And since when are the WHO, SARC, UNAIDS, NACO, etc. straw men? These are serious health and science organizations staffed by some of the best minds on the planet.

    By the way, mislabeling me a "dork," or implying that I might think Harvard is a Catholic university (which I don't- that's your presupposition) does not erase my arguments. I am also a professor.

    What, no response?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People r more afraid of Aids than of Sin.

    They say, use condoms 2 protect your health.

    Who is going 2 protect u from the wrath of God???Aids is the punishment u get for having sex outside marriage.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    “If condoms were the answer, then why is it that New York City, which under Mayor Michael Bloomberg has given away tens of millions of free condoms, has an HIV rate three times the national average?"

    because you've plucked one city out of all of them whilst providing zero data on how many condoms the others give out, for one.

    EDIT: and if you won't look at other data, you can't conclude anything about the ratio of condoms to HIV. What if every other city has a grossly reduced rate and gives out more of them?

    especially since New York has almost 10 million people in it, which means that for each of the ten million they gave out, there was only one for each citizen, which isn't that many sexual encounters the city is covering...

  • 5 years ago

    A question: does spermicidal condoms, aside from subsiding sperm, can they also help to either kill or weaken the HIV virus?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A Catholic website? Now that's not going to be biased.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give a source please. Otherwise, your argument is entirely invalid.

    EDIT: Thanks for the source.

    Also, what you've got is quote mining and an argument from ignorance.

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