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Are there any drawbacks to being socially acceptable?

Considering that society is all people, from whom are we seeking acceptance?

8 Answers

  • John S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    <<Are there any drawbacks to being socially acceptable?>> Certaintly, if you take it too far. IF you let society define right and wrong, what is acceptable and unacceptable and have no moral fortitude of your own.. then certainly that can be a bad thing. You'll have not backbone and do whatever you THINK you are suppose to do in that moment.

    Go to a party where they are doing drugs -- BINGO! you do drugs to fit in.

    Whatever viewpoint is being touted in the media... that's YOUR viewpoint now.

    HECK, simply walk from 1 room to another, and depending on what is being discussed and you might flip-flop your viewpoint simply to "fit in"

    So yeah, being socially acceptable can be taken to an extreme and then it is a bad thing.

    <<from whom are we seeking acceptance?>> I'm sure Sociologists and Psychologists could answer this question far better then we can here in the R&S section, but I think as humans.. we want acceptance from a lot of people. I think we are geared towards seeking acceptance. That is why we need to be careful what type of company we keep. Because whatever group we are in and spend a lot of time with..that's the group we tend to seek acceptance from.

    Do you recall the old saying "lay down with dogs and wake up with fleas" ??

    Well it basically means.. "watch out who you associate with"

    I mean, hang around Dogs.. and guess what.. you'll probably end up like them.. with fleas.

    So I think we as humans are wired to seek acceptance, conform and form close knit groups. That's why choosing your influences carefully is soo important.

    I tell my 15 year old Nephew, choosing and limiting who you consider your friends is easily 80% of the game when it comes to NOT falling into drugs, alcohol and sex at an early age. IF you choose to hang around those who don't do those things.. you cut the "temptation" down considerably. You simply don't have the opportunity to do it, if no one around you, is.

    I think Media is another influencer, to a lesser degree, but it bombards us with images which I think SLOWLY erode us to slowly, over time, think certain behaviors are less "shocking" or less wrong. We simply habituate to our surroundings, which often times includes images of sex, drugs, lieing, cheating, swearing, etc.

    I'm not blaming the media for everything, I just think it is a minor influencer which over time, can erode, so we just have to be AWARE of it. It looses some of its subtle power when we are aware of its effects. I have just recently become aware that my OWN life has degraded partially because of this, so I'm trying to limit what I watch now.

    SO... who are we seeking approval from? As humans -- everyone in our tribe, as a modern society, our "tribe" is much larger than it use to be. It now includes everyone in the metropolitan area, people in the media, magazines, radio, etc.

    So we need to be aware of this and actively decide what we are going to allow into our lives and allow to influence us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are. Being socially acceptable (in this society) does not necessarily mean being acceptable to God. Nor does mean that we are receiving the full benefits of our Constitutional Rights (i.e. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness; freedom of speech). I suppose it really depends upon the society. Personally, I couldn't care less if I am socially acceptable, as I seek acceptance from no one except God and my family.

  • iThink
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Usually people like our family, the parents of people we know, like our friends and boy/girlfriends, our teachers and people who work in our school, our neighbors, the people who own or work in the shops we frequent, local businesspeople and anyone else that we may apply for jobs with before we go off to college.

    Any drawback would only be if you and your friends are the "counterculture" sort.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We seek acceptance from the people around us.

    Location location location!

    Source(s): Moving out of the bible belt for good in 2 months....
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  • 5 years ago

    Your question asks no count if this is "socially appropriate" to positioned on an entire cloak in public. the respond is 'no'. the clarification why no longer is by using the fact cloaks are archaic and out-dated. you does no longer positioned on them in public for an identical reason that adult men do no longer positioned on powdered wigs and girls folk do no longer positioned on bustles (the butt-improving outfits of the 1880's). a minimum of this is the case in North united states of america, South united states of america, Europe, or Australia. i'm no longer acquainted with gown customs in Asia, yet i will by no potential bear in mind a image of folk there donning long cloaks - a minimum of with western dresses. perchance if cloaks are area of your community custom and background, then it would be ok so you might positioned on them. yet whilst this became the case, why are you asking the question here?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, it was "socially acceptable" to be an S.S. Nazi Officer in 1940 Austria. Though I wouldn't call that a good thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Big Man.

    And by that I mean Superman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. It means you will have to conform to whatever it is that the majority does or thinks.

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