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Trouble with the Xbox 360 Controller?

The controller's charge pack just won' know, charge. I'm not sure if it's the cord that charges it or if it's the charge pack itself. I'm the type of guy who doesn't throw the controller at aimless places since I am a bit of a clean freak and I absolutely never just throw it on the ground or anything. Can anyone tell me if I buy a new charge kit, will it work?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If one of your buddies has a 360 controller, test the cable on it. If it glows red or green, the cable is good.

    Test the battery on the 2nd controller. If it boots without the cable, the problem is your controller.

    If you need to have the cable plugged in for it to be powered, then its the battery.

    If you plug the charging cable into your 360 and your controller, and you don't get a red/green light, then its a bad cable or USB slot on the 360.

  • 1 decade ago

    try unpluging ure headset while charging it or wiggle the end a little thats the problem wiv mine

  • 1 decade ago

    How long have you had it for? You could probably return it back to where you bought it and get a replacement.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Please supply extra info in case you could. Did you spill any style of liquid on it? if so do you recognize if any have been given in there? ______________________________________... additionally attempt changing your battery %.. desire this helps & good luck!

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