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Where are all these people coming from?

Ok... two of my unsocialized homeschool kids are having a bday party tomorrow. We were sick all last week so we didn't get any invites out. We just passed the word along at homeschool functions this week and figured we'd have a small crowd this year with the short notice we gave.

We have had *30* people RSVP and a dozen more let us know they would love to be there but they have other plans. My poor kids with no friends. <smile>


Where do *you* think these people are coming from? (Since they clearly can't be people we *socialize* with.)

Update 2:

Ah, yes... this time around we did only invite homeschoolers except for one family and they are are former homeschoolers/current private schoolers. *But* that is only because we forgot to get the word out in Tae Kwan Do class and Bible class... and my family is out of town and can't afford a trip right now. (I know, I know... family and Bible class folks don't count either. You can't socialize with people who share anything in common with you... that is limiting. <sigh>)

Update 3:

Yes, of course RK... all my children's friends are exactly the same simply because *many* of them do the same type of schooling. And all of your children's friends are exactly the same age and live in the same neighborhood and can spell "sterotype" in unison for the teacher... and they know how many children who do *not* go to public school? No one is going to change your unfounded beliefs so I won't waste any more of my time trying.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer poor unsocialized DD spent most of today with 3 equally unsocialized home schoolers earning an advanced horseback riding badge for girl scouts. Tomorrow another poor unsocialized home schooler is coming over the spend the night. The 2 poor unsocialized girls will be going to parties on both Sat and Sunday

    PS...wish your kiddo happy birthday from me

    ETA: I can't wait to hear the...but they aren't around anyone but other homeschoolers.... Which isn't usually the case outside of our homeschool activities. Even if it were the case so what. Do you take your child out of public school and take them to home school activities so they will be around someone other than those in public school?

    ETA: RK if you had ever been around anyone who is homeschooled, you would know just how ignorant and off base your post is. If you really think homeschooling is like what you described, you need a seious reality check.

  • Tad W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The American Heritage Dictionary:

    so·cial·ize (sō'shə-līz') Pronunciation Key

    v. so·cial·ized, so·cial·iz·ing, so·cial·iz·es

    v. tr.

    1. To place under government or group ownership or control.

    So, of course homeschooled kids are unsocialized. And I plan to keep mine that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    They must be figments of your homeschooled imagination. No, that can't be right. Homeschoolers don't have imaginations.

    Darned if I know...

    Happy B'day (in an unsocialized way).

    All the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean to tell me that us unsocialized homeschoolers can leave the house and meet people? Imagine that!

    Source(s): Common sense and research Personal experience and opinion Mom of three!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ha ha...sarcasm noted! I know what you mean. My unsocialized kids had to turn down two different park days today in favor of a skating party/weiner roast.

    Source(s): Homeschool mom of 3
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are SO unsocialized! :) Happy Birthday to the kiddos!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    not particularly talking yet with blind human beings all diverse adventure artwork plenty better sensible than with us who can see.. so what they actually propose is.. '' I sensed this would happen'' particularly talking they're able to't have considered it coming yet it somewhat is a asserting and blind human beings settle directly to be dealt with if truth be told such as you and me and for this reason now and back they forget approximately they're blind and that i'm unable in charge them for little slip ups .. needless to say the can not see yet they're hardship-free those with a ailment.. they're blind yet that doesn' t propose that there at the instant are not from now on circumstances they forget approximately it for a 2d that they are able to't see and actually talking for them to declare '' I see is defective ..'' to boot the shown actuality that it in spite of the fact it somewhat is clever for this reason of actuality what they actually propose. is ''I understand.'' and blind human beings do not in many cases walk into lamposts it is bigger youthful person adult males who an appealing woman or woman.. they stare and stare after which walk suited right into a lamppost .. truthfully i understand a guy who did that and he have been given suited eyesight yet he payed activity to this astonishing woman and to not the area he grew to alter into into strolling so he banged suited right into a lamppost...extremely those born blind they have a skills to get around and walk up and down stairs and hit upon their way around.. for this reason of actuality they in no way new what it is settle directly to establish so for somebody who grew to alter into into continuously blind it is way less complicated to maintain that and that they have got been given handbook canines or sticks for blind human beings and ninety 9 % of those born blind in no way walk suited right into a lamppost and it would in all likelihood not malicious application you for this reason of actuality they stay in darkness and who're we in charge them for on celebration forgetting they're able to't see and to in spite of the indisputable fact that say they stated something coming.. to boot the reality that if its' particularly not astonishing yet they propose they sensed it... i don't think of of it is sweet to be prejudiced and to maintain an open concepts and sure i understand you're if truth be told in touch and not judgmental so I understand know completely your question yet that' s the way it somewhat is i think of !!! xxx

  • RE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are very smug about the "socialization" of your kids but you have entirely missed the point of that argument against home schooling (which is, of course, only one of many). They socialize only with people who are like them or have the same interests. They are never required to learn how to deal with people who are different from themselves, or how to resolve the inevitable conflicts that arise therefrom. So they will be unprepared for the world of college (unless you don't plan to send them there) and the world of work (unless you are independently wealthy). And although you are sarcastic about it (aka defensive), you are indeed limiting them and compromising their future. Sigh.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol, tell me about it!! lol, every time i see somebody who goes 2 public skewl, they say, " how can u stand it?" then im like " stand what?" and they say " Not getn 2 b w ur friends or socialize any?"

    "OH IDK!!! lol i gues its because I DO HAVE FRIENDS!! And i DO SoCIALizE!!!!" lol

    Happpyy BBIIRTHHHHDAYYY 2 ur kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • and you, RK, are smug about your assumptions.

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