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i am type 2 diabetic and have to avoid sugar the best i can, however no doctor will answer me the following?

if i drink pils lager, it boasts in there adverts that the sugar turns to alcohol, so in effect there is no sugar in it, does that mean i can get commode hogging drunk without fears of upsetting my sugar levels


Doctors wont tell me because they are not permitted to indorce alcohol, but i think there silence answers the question anyway

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately your "commode hugging" days are over, I'm afraid. However, you can consume modest amounts of alcohol if you do a little experimenting and check your BG's to see how they react. I'd recommend you pick 2 or 3 of your favorite things to drink, do some experimentation with those, and then stick to those items. Most alcoholic beverages do have some carbs in them, but the tricky part is that 2-6 hours later, the alcohol makes your blood glucose crash. For most people, eating a fatty snack with some carbs along with your drink prevents this dip (some nuts, a few potato chips, some french fries). Try that and check your BG every hour and track it to see how you're doing. If you're too high within a couple of hours, try postponing your snack for an hour or two. Only one or two drinks at the need to keep your wits about you and keep your portions modest, but you can still have fun!

    Source(s): Type 1 for 25 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Alcohol lowers sugar levels.

    If a diabetic chooses to consume an alcoholic beverage, these are the guidelines they should follow:

    Always drink alcohol with food. Since alcohol can make blood sugar levels plummet, it is best to enjoy a drink as part of a meal. Never drink on an empty stomach.

    Remember that alcohol does have calories, and this should be taken into account when electing to have a drink. If you are struggling with your weight as part of diabetes, be sure to pay special attention to this.

    It is suggested to stick with simple drinks (beer or wine) instead of mixed drinks, where unless you are mixing yourself, you will have no control over how much of what has gone into your cocktail. This can seriously affect the amount of sugar in the drink.

    If you use insulin, keep your alcohol use to two drinks a day. (A drink is generally accepted as 12 ounces of beer, 1.5 ounces of 80 proof spirits, or 5 ounces of wine.) If you do not control your diabetes with insulin, stick to one drink only occasionally, especially if your triglyceride levels are high.

    Intoxication and hypoglycemia often have the same symptoms. If you are having a hypo, someone might just assume you have had too much to drink. They may not know what steps to take to help you if they assume you are “just drunk” and are waiting for it to wear off. It’s best to drink with someone who knows your condition, for this precise reason!

    Double check that any medication you may be on can be taken if you have consumed alcohol.

    By the way I drink 6 beers a day on a empty stomach. I'm type 2...

    No problems!!!

    Someone has to get the beer for me, because I can't walk. And if I could I can't see the fridge. And I drink from a straw cause I lost all my fingers.Other that that, I'm pulling your leg!! Really , No problems....

  • 1 decade ago

    It could drop your glucose levels through the basement.

    It is true the sugar used to make beer is turned to alcohol during the fermenting, BUT!!!

    We are advised to have only 2 drinks per day if male and 1 if female! That does not make any sense to me at all, but that is what is advised.

    I know for a fact that if I get blitzed I will have pure he** getting control of my glucose numbers for about 2 weeks after that.

    Your choice my friend, but I don't like praying to the porcelain god for even stomach bug!

  • J B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your body uses alcohol like sugar and heavy drinking can throw your blood sugars way off. You can have short term high sugars followed by very low blood sugars. Only very small, infrequent amounts of alcohol are recommended on a diabetic diet. You can go to WebMd and type in "diabetic diet" and read their recommendations there.

    Source(s): Health care provider
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  • Bolt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    If they're silent, it's because they're stunned by the question. Getting "commode hugging drunk" is not good for anybody, diabetic or not.

    alcohol causes a rise in blood sugar. excessive alcohol can cause the reverse problem and lead to severe hypoglycemia, alcohol has calories and is metabolized as a fat. alcohol stimulates appitite and can lead to overeating. alcohol interferes with oral diabetes medications.

  • LDJ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My husband doctor told him not to drink alcohol and when he did his sugar level was high.

  • Ms. T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your body sees alcohol as a toxin. While your liver is cleaning the alcohol out of your body it will not release any insulin into your body. This can cause a problem if your blood sugar falls to low while your blood is being detoxified, because you could pass out or slip into a coma.

    So please limit your drinking or just stop it altogether to avoid any problems.

    I have found a website that helps explain this and more about diabetes, maybe you will get your questions answered there.

    Good luck to you.

  • 1 decade ago


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