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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Instead of deporting illegals why not send them to Canada?

I say the best way to get rid of them is offer them a better deal. Canada loves to brag about how liberal and tolerant they are and that they have free health care and are more socialized so I'm sure they wouldn't mind oh about a dozen million illegals just looking to better their lives now would they?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I concurr, and let's do away with this socialized healthcare and quit taxing cigarettes so much!

  • 5 years ago

    Hmmmm, If the law requires everyone to have this identification, then how can it be racial profiling. It treats everyone the same and thus is a fair law! The race card is thrown whenever the pro illegal alien side does not have an argument to use to justify its position. The fact that this argument is so weak shows the pathetic position they are in. The fact that so many of us back away from an obvious ruse of an argument shows that we have to get more of a spine and stand up for the many American Citizens being harmed every day by illegal aliens. I am tired of the whining on the left. An American Citizen is killed by an illegal alien every 58 minutes, an American Citizen is sexually assaulted by an illegal alien every 4 minutes!!! Can we say enough is enough our Government is suppose to protect us from foreign threats, not line their pockets with cash from kickbacks and protect those criminals that would create so much harm right here in our own back yards!!!

  • Greg N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wouldn't that be almost the same as deporting them? And if we did do that, Canada will get worse, and then we'll have a ton of Canadian illegal aliens, in addition to some of the other foreign nationals we sent to Canada, in the United States,

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually Canada being liberal has nothing at all to do with the system in which they choose to use when letting illegals in. In fact Canada should get a hand for how well put together there plan is. Cant diss them for having it put together better over there when it comes to illegal aliens. They expect quite a bit before a person can just go over there, its a good system.

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  • JohnF
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Some people in here have not a clue what the word ILLEGAL means you are a felon..entering this country illegally is a felony..babies born here to illegals should be immediately taken away from the parent and put up for adoption..illegals then should have their 4-head tattooed and returned to the river to swim back..these people are draining our you happen to know the rules for Illegally entering Mexico? They are not pretty by any means..Texas to California border should be mined..this mess has got to cease..but expect no help from Nancy Pelose.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wouldn't work because illegals don't come here for healthcare, and it would be devastating to America if we got rid of them all!

    Nice try! but please re-think your plan with regards to the negative effects we would suffer.

    ICE: Tab to remove illegal residents would approach $100 billion

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- It would cost at least $94 billion to find, detain and remove all 12 million people believed to be staying illegally in the United States, the federal government estimated Wednesday.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO NO NO

    Canada does not have open borders like USA does.

    You allow them in, you need to deal with them.

    Canada is NOT going to accept responsibilities for YOUR mistakes,

    Source(s): Canadian resident
  • 1 decade ago

    Are you seriously using a Nazi symbol as your picture? i hope you are just an ignorant 12 year old, because if your an adult your brain should be evolved enough for complex thought and abstract thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't that still deporting them?

    Better yet, how about we jail the people who hire the illegal immigrants. Because if there were no jobs for them, they would not come.

  • 1 decade ago

    what kind of question is this? do you realize that the illegals do all the jobs that most american citizens don't do because they are either gross or pay minimum wage or there are jobs that are both would you really like to do those jobs? i sure wouldn't i think there are a lot of dumb people out there that think that Illegals just take benefits from citizens but really they do jobs we wouldn't and also if you stop to think about it the ancestors of many americans were illegal at some point because this land was occupied by indians and not americans so quit bitching about the illegals

  • 1 decade ago

    if your country is too stupid to deal with illegals why rubbish a country that handles the situation well

    with people like you around god help america

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