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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Poll do you believe in Global Warming?

I never new until recently a lot of people actually don't believe in global warming

31 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yes I do, but my personal belief is that it doesn't matter whether or not you believe in it. People should want to take care of the environment so that future generations can enjoy things such as untouched forests and clean lakes to swim in. We should take care of the earth so that our children and they're children can have a world worth living in. We only have one earth, let's all take care of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, the question in dispute isn't necessarily whether of not there is global warming, but rather is the global warming caused by man or just a natural cycle.There has been warming since the Ice Ages. But the cause isn't proven to be due to Man's activity. On the other hand, if you want a real correlation as to warmer and cooler winters, it is more related to the dust thrown into the air by volcanic eruptions and above ground nuclear testing which was banned in the late 60's early 70's. Whenever there is a large eruption, the winters are worse. In the fifties and sixties winters were worse, but there was worldwide testing.

    If you want to cool things off, just pop some nukes. ;)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible says there is Nothing new under the Sun.

    And if you will look into historical records you will see, NOTHING happening today that hasn't already happened in history before....

    The whole Global warming just that a LIE .

    All it takes is actually going back and reading and researching and studying the weather patterns and its affect in history.....

    Whats worse are the very same scientists ( and i use that word loosely) that are whining about Global warming , ARE indeed the same ones who said a few years ago that the Upper great Lakes region and Canada an the upper North East and North west was going t be under the year 2005.....( i think it was) we are in 2009 and now its Global warming.........SO....with that said...research it yourself...and don't depend on government funded bias opinionated people who will jump on any band wagon to draw funds to push their own agenda's and paychecks.....that's my advice...and i believe its Wise !!!

    Source(s): Facts of Life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't believe it. There is nothing abnormal about our climate. It's been warmer and it's been colder. Warmer was better. It's a false prophecy of a false doom.

    Al Gore is not this noble public servant he makes himself out to be he. He is a sleazy grifter who latched onto the environmental movement as a way to make money and get power. Around him and his little cohort has grown this cult.

    Al says the science is in and the discussion should be closed. Heidi Cullen says that people who predict the weather should be stripped of their means to earn a living if they disagree. AGW fanatics regularly have Yahoo pull posts that questions their view of things. This isn't science and reason, it's fraud.

    The AGW movement is a hijacking of the legitimate environmental movement. When none of what they predict comes to pass, then the entire effort to protect our environment will be discredited. There are real problems like soil degradation, water supplies, and real actual air pollution, to say nothing of all the threats nature provides.

    No I don't believe in global warming.

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  • 6 years ago

    Global Warming, or what the elites call it, catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, a scary name indeed, is one gigantic fraud. For the practitioners of this hoax, it is a gigantic source of income/wealth mostly from our government and its elected representatives. The government subsidizes many corporations and research centers which in turn recycle a part of the handout back to the politicians in Washington for campaigns or for personal gain. There is no proof that the earth is heating by human activity, but if you want lots of taxpayer monies you/your organization will just say yes.

  • Edg1
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The correct phrase is HUMAN CAUSED GW. No I don't. The natural state of this planet is in flux. The big lie is that the earth has somehow achieved a steady state and any change in climate is all our fault. Also another lie is that we can do anything about it. This is nothing more than a distraction and excuse for more government control of our everyday life. World climate is SUPPOSED to change, it's normal.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe global warming (as in the earth is warming up) is a fact. What I don't believe is that 'carbon emissions' majorly contribute to global warming.

    In plain English - I don't believe we can stop climate change by washing our clothes at 30 degrees or by stopping all our factories from spitting out carbon. I believe the governent is using it as an excuse to charge extra tax. Like 20$ extra a month on your car because of its 'emissions'. It won't stop people driving because we need our cars in many situations. What it will do is give the government more money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I believe that Global warming is happening but I can't stop using my A/C...I'm too pampered!? I'm guessing people don't want to believe in Global Warming is because they don't want to change their ways to improve the situation? People get in their comfort zone I guess and feel like there is no need to change. How are we to explain the weather? We get some crazy weather for no explainable reasons. One minute its hot and the next minutes its freezing. A tornado in California I mean come on?? That doesn't ring a bell in their heads...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well global warming isnt really the debated topic, its just whats causing it. global warming is definitely happening. you just have to look at the temperature records. its all getting warmer.

    but what people are all fussing about is what its caused by. it might just be a cycle the earth goes through, or it might be the co2 being put in the atmosphere.

    i guess we'll see in like 30 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only ones who don't believe there's a climate change problem either (1) are in denial, or (2) are part of the petroleum industry, and see such beliefs as a threat to their profits. The organized efforts to minimize or ridicule the problem are bought and paid for by the petroleum industry, too.

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