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Atheists, will you celebrate the holiday next week?

The exact origin of April Fool's Day, (sometimes called "All Fools Day") is not known. But the most prevalent explanation is that when the Gregorian calendar was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, to replace the old Julian calendar, New Year's Day was moved up from its traditional time around April 1 to January 1. Those who refused to accept the new date or did not learn about it continued to celebrate New Year's Day on or around April 1, becoming the source of jokes and pranks.

It would seem that the trolls on R&S who have appointed this as an "atheist holiday" (unimaginatively based on an obscure passage in their book of myths) don't seem to understand that it's really about making fun of foolish people who can't keep up with or don't understand their own religious dogma.

Viewed in this light, isn't this a holiday we atheists can get behind?


Rachel: I like that one, too.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I celebrate all holidays, regardless of origin or meaning.

    I've partied on Yak Shaving Day, I've attended the Feast of Maximum Occupancy, and celebrated Sweet Monkey Tuesday and Black Pantie Friday.

    I once even got totally hammered at a party celebrating the anniversary of the first episode of Gilligan's Island.

    If there's a party involved, I'm there. If we get the day off work, bonus!

  • 5 years ago

    "Merry Christmas to you too" I have no problem with Christmas. It harms no one. I don't like the way it's become overcommercialized. I think it should be a celebration of family and giving, because I'm an atheist and I don't believe Jesus is God. Other people do believe in Jesus, so I think they should be allowed to celebrate Christmas as they wish. I don't see atheists stopping Christians from celebrating Christmas as they please. However, I do see Christians complaining about atheists, as if Christians were some sort of persecuted minority. I do not understand that point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um, I think you will find they went from October 5 to October 15.

    It was all about the quaternary leap year that was still off by 3/4 of a day every century. That's why every 100 years is NOT a leap year but every 400 is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure, I and my kids LOVE april fools day.

    And then Ostarra comes next. They love the pagan traditions with Eggs, bunnies, and other signs of springtime. So did the christians since they stole the holiday and changed their myths to better fit the holiday.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I won't celebrate it, april fools is a kids day. However i will hope that i get out of school for that day...though it seems you only get out of school for important hollidays and april fools isnt seen as an important holliday by hardly any means so...probably wont get out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The jebuz story is the ultimate april fools prank.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    On the contrary, the founder of Pastafarianism understood the origin of April 1st as "fool's day" very well. I guess you've never heard of sarcasm, huh? :)


  • 1 decade ago

    I am not creative enough for pranks.

    Last year I left my roommates April Fools day cards and dropped hints I would do something. I think one of them may have fallen for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Celebrate? April fools is not a holiday. We don't get off school or work. It's just an excuse to play tricks on people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you just said the origin of april fools day.

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