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English experts, please help me with my works cited?

So I have a research essay to do and I need a bit of help with my works cited. I already typed up everything, and I just need someone, or someones, to go over it and check for mistakes. Please take it seriously. My teacher's exact words were, "One period missing, and it's an 'F'." If you can, please tell me any mistakes I may have made or just re-edit it for me. But tell me what you did so I know not to make the same mistake again. Thank you very much. Better yet, just go to photobucket to see it (because yahoo format changes everything):

Works Cited

Dardrian, Vahakn N., ed. “Armenians in Ottoman Turkey and the Armenian Genocide”. Encyclopedia of

Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomas Gates, 2005.

“Fact Sheet: Armenian Genocide”. Armenian Research Center. 1996. University of Michigan-Dearborn. 9

March 2009. <

“Holocaust.” Encyclopedia Britannia. 2009. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. 10 Mar.

2009. <

“The State Department sends a memo to the American legation in Bern, on February 10, 1943, stating that

in the future they not transmit reports to private citizens, since they "circumvent neutral countries' censorship." America and the Holocaust. 10 Feb. 1943. PBS. 10 Mar. 2009. <

Wiesel, Elie. Night. Trans. Marion Wiesel.18 West 18th Street, New York: Hill and Wang, 1958.

By the way, everything is supposed to be double-spaced, but yahoo won't allow me to indent, underline, or space. First document is a print source/ reference. Second is online, like the third and fourth. The fifth is a novel/book.


Yes, it is in MLA. I should probably change the March part. Can you tell me where the spaces are needed to be exact? Ugh, I feel completely dead after running around trying to find a book...

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm assuming that you're using MLA format. Here's the deal. You need to "remove hyperlink" for all of the web sources. I don't know why you have the address of the publisher for Elie Wiesel's Night.. If you were using MLA format, the listing for Wiesel's novel would be

    Wiesel, Elie. Night. trans. Marion Wiesel. New York: Hill and Wang, 1958.

    Also, the way that you cited the "State Department" source is incorrect. If you were using MLA format, this is the way that you would set it up.

    You need to find the title of that source and go from there.

    General Guideline for citing Internet sources:

    Name of Site. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sometimes found in copyright statements). Date you accessed the site. <electronic address>.

    Here's a Sample from the Online Writing Lab at Purdue:

    The Purdue OWL Family of Sites. 26 Aug 2005. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. 23 April 2006 <>./

    I tried to access the PBS site, and the link is broken. My guess is that your teacher will try to access your references, so you need to find out where you got your source.

    Good luck. If in doubt, go to the library and check out the latest copy of the MLA stylebook. If you have access to EBSCO Host, the database will format your sources for you. The only two entries you need to worry about are the source from PBS and the Wiesel citation.

    You can do it!

    Source(s): The Online Writing Lab at Purdue Also, I'm a high school English teacher.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm, looks good so far.

    I don't know if 18 West 18th Street is necessary, unless it's the publishing title..

    Are you using the MLA format?

    And it might be just the picture, but it looks like you're missing spaces in between some periods.

    And for one entry you used March, but the other says Mar. I'm not sure if it's intentional or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    go to easy, just put everything in and it will do the work for u. citation machine is also great

    Source(s): school
  • 1 decade ago

    go to

    Source(s): i've used it and it works :)
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