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Me? Ready for a relationship?

After 8 years of an engagement gone sour, dating for all the wrong reasons, being a few guys "unofficial girlfriends", and a couple wild sex escapades... I am open to the idea of a monogamous relationship. I'm still young, but I have yet to experience what a true relationship is all about. I've been dating one guy for about 3 years and it's not going anywhere and I'm ready to drop him like flaming poop in a bag.

Any tips on looking for love? Or letting it look for me?


I'm not a girl that "needs a relationship." I didn't want to be serious with anyone for a LONG time...

Update 2:

I'm not a girl that "needs a relationship." I didn't want to be serious with anyone for a LONG time...

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Love yourself. Love will find you.

  • 1 decade ago

    you're looking in the wrong places.

    it seems like you're the girl that "needs to be in a relationship"

    Break up with ur current deuche bag and take some time to be single!

    Think about your past relationships and LEARN from them! Think about what type of guy you want, and don't want. You could try and look for that guy, or simply, let him come to you. Fate will find you. Believe me, it found me, and i've been with my man for 3 years (happily). Just go with the flow.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm gonna say let love find you. Because if you go out looking, the people you find are more than likely not the one for you.

    OK, so this'll sound completely cliche but I reckon that true love = fate. If it's meant to happen, he'll find you.

    So give it a rest for a while...and let him come to you.

  • David
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First thing is to get out of that 3 year relationship.

    Then maybe get a book on feng shui and try some things to improve your relationship luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try dating sites, write letters and poems of romance, publish it and put your name, some gentle men will find you. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    when you desperately want to look for love, you will never find it..

    just don't look for it, and I'm sure a true relationship will be looking for you ..:)

    good luck

  • Aotori
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    maybe the guy is a slow mover, nothing wrong with that. unless you want a guy who is all over you after the first few dates....

  • 1 decade ago

    you should never have to look for will come to you. it just takes time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

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