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Ronald H asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

A fake patriot, A pity Party?

A person tonight tried to tell me that he was wearing his fathers Camos. Not faded {but this was his camo's during VN.) The problem is why would he try to tell about how great his father did when everything else was a lie.

The rest of the story: I did call him out it ( he is wheelchair bound). He was never in the military and the BDU's were fresh. And he attacked me.

7 Answers

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I run into "fake" heroes all the is sad...... it is especially irritating to those of us who left brothers on the battlefield..... they are "stealing" honors others paid for with blood

    BUT you need to stay focused on the objective..... what harm would it have done to let this pathetic loser bask in the false glory of his "father"..... those who know, wont believe him .....and those who do not know , do not really care. Embarrassing him lost you respect of others and made him a object of pity..... he will still go on with his fantasy (his father may even have actually told him the stories and he believed him).....

    I draw the line when these jerks use their false stories to gain .....people like John Kerry ( served in the same area....the same type the same time)..... who told a different lie depending on the audience..... or Oliver Stone who made a movie about things that never happened.....( I was there at the same time)

    I will expose a fraud when there is something of value at stake......but just let it go otherwise

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There was something on this same subject in here the other night. My wife and I were at the Village Inn having lunch one day and there were some folks in there that we knew. They all happen to be Vets also. Anyway, there was this "wannabe" in there playing dress up in woodland camo's and a black beret. No name tape, no rank, nothing. He'd stand up and put the beret on and walk around and go outside and come back in and take it off and so and so forth. After about twenty minutes of this BS I got up and so did the other guys. We walked over to his table and as we approached his wife just hung her head because she knew what was coming.

    One of the guy's, Jeff, is a retired JAG 4 Star. He lit into this Bozo with all guns blazing telling him how impersonating a member of the military would cost him $10,000.00 and three years in prison. After that his wife stood up and smacked him up side his empty head and started screaming, "I told you not to do that!" "Get your asss up and get in the car!" It was hysterical!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just because his father served in Vietnam doesn't mean that every pair of cammies he ever owned would be faded and grungy. Now, if they were like, digipats or something, then you would know he was full of it, lol.

    He could have been telling the truth...or he could wish that he'd had a chance to serve like his father did but couldn't because of his paralysis. You never know...but unless he was spouting his mouth off about things of which he had no clue, why did it matter whether you called him out on it or not?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people are just screwed in their head and your better off not asking why! Just do your best to avoid psycho nuts like that!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should have kicked his wheelchair ***! i would have rolled him down a steep hill, and made him crash, then ran down and stomped him silly, then pinned a medal on his forehead with my boot!

    Source(s): Don't fake it!
  • 1 decade ago

    wait so did you get beat up by a cripple?

  • 1 decade ago


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