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How to arrange a successful launch party for a new business?

Our company is launching a new business; including Design services, marketing and business training and consultancy (with a difference)

We want to arrange a launch for this.

Any ideas? Planning to hold it in a large local Chinese restaurant, but what should u include in such an event and how do u invite/ensure local businesses attend?

Are there any formats for creating a plan for a launch, similar to a marketing or business plan template.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's no written format for launches but the questions to ask before doing it are the same as with any marketing activity.

    What do you want to achieve from this? (Celebration, new clients, press coverage etc)

    Who are the best people to invite to ensure you achieve what you want?

    What other ways could you achieve the same thing?

    Depending on your answers to these questions, you'll then have the answers to your question about what to do to ensure that the people you want to attend are there and you'll also know what to give them. For example, if it's a press event, you need press releases about the company and sample products or case studies.

    Be really clear about why you're doing this. These kinds of events can work out as very expensive parties with no noticeable returns.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Marketing specialist and business owner for over 11 years
  • 1 decade ago

    I would not do this at a Chinese restaurant. A more Professional atmosphere such as a Hilton or upscale restaurant may be the key to success. I would advertise in your local area or on a local job site. You might also want to contact a large group such as to let them know what you are offering. I believe that your local paper or listing networks would be best for advertising. I would also try to attend local functions such as a park opening or large event to advertise with a booth dedicated to your upcoming Business. This will allow you to meet the public and allow local Business entrepreneurs to put a face with the name. I would do the booth advertising or local paper advertising first then do a launch party. Best of luck always!

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • mark m
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need to know first if all people are keen in Chinese food, not everyone like that, if they're you wil need to provide those guests of a choice at least in main course, I would suggest to change the venue like an ordinary restaurant so people will have much choices to order.

    When you chose the venue then you need to fax those people with direction and time to be there for a cocktail before lunch after you arrange all of this with the restaurant manger.

    If your guests are to many, then maybe you can put them in more than table so it will be easy from them to chat and exchange ideas, if the restaurant is big enough, then maybe after the meal they can offer you a little place so everyone can have their coffee and after lunch drinks and talk more if they missed this during the meal, I hope you have a good one.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Find a function room in or near Chicago, if it's in your budget. Don't serve your own liquor. Let me advise you here, Don't serve your own liquor. Unless you have a food service license, you can't serve ANYthing that isn't pre-packaged. Let the caterer or hotel do all that for you. It's probably in their contract anyway. You will discover that it's going to be an expensive opening. I hope it's in your budget.

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  • Where are you based? I specialise in PR and events for small businesses and start ups, so maybe I can help.

    Visit my blog and email me if you would like my input. I'm happy to put some ideas together for you.

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