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Why is Congress acquitted when it comes to our financial crisis?

Reworded to clarify that I am not advocating extremism.

All I read here is how bad Bush screwed up the economy. As a conservative, I can agree with that to an extent, but why isn't some of the outrage directed towards "senior senators" such as Ted Kennedy who has been in office for years and years? How about the house seats that run unopposed year after year so that congressmen can act with impunity in their districts?

Everyone shouts about the president, while congress turns out page after page of wasteful spending, pork politics, crushing taxation and overbearing legislation.

This is not directed at a particular party, this is directed at the members of the house and senate who have been in office for years and cannot be budged from their positions, so that they can legislate without fear of reprisal. If we want "change" let's clean house, literally, and vote these lifetime senators and congressmen out of office.

Where am I wrong here, or why isn't there any mention of congressional accountability anymore?


Thank you for some intelligent answers outside of the confines of partisanship.

"me": I guess I am assuming that the majority of Americans have a basic grasp on concepts such as "how a bill becomes law", and the system of so-called "checks and balances". I just don't see how we can pretend we have "change" in the government with lifetime senators and congressmen still in office. Are people really ignorant of the legislative aspect of our government, or do they just use whoever is president as a basis for partisan bickering?

5 Answers

  • me
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    most people do not have a decent understanding of politics and who is truly responsible for our problems. And really, we cant blame the ignorant, i know i didnt learn any of this in government (public) schools, i had to educate myself about it. the partisan crowd will bicker amongest each other, but the ones (like you) that have a clue as to how our gov. works realize that its not one partys fault, or one presidents fault, its the fact that our gov has been corropt for some time now, on both sides of the isle. and honestly, how can we expect it not to be corropt whn we have "career" politicians???the faux two party system is just that, they claim to have very different views, but both are in favor of a welfare-warfare state, they just differ the ways they go about those aims! i am so happy to see people waking up to see the reality of our failed two party system, myself included, and the reality that its not all bushes fault or all obamas fault, but that it is much deeper than that!

    Source(s): Go Libertarian!
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no real oversight of congress in any way shape or form. We need to fire every one of them and the people need to write the rules by which congress members have to abide by. And make it so congress can not set their own rules. That's what got us in the current mess in the first place.

    Source(s): Wake up sheeple!
  • xtina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    remember that the liberal Democratic Congress led by Bawney Fwank and SenDodd forced banks to give loans to people with no jobs, no income and no assets. Shouldn't Frank and Dodd be "fired" by Obama too ?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are expecting that our American populace be more educated on history than they are. If they knew REAL history then we would not be in this mess right now. We would have redressed our grievances as called for in our Constitution by now. Until people read some real history, we are doomed to repeat it and this nonsense will continue to go on. I'm starting to think that politicians hate "American citizens" but they love our money and having power over us. They think we're smart enough to vote them into office but we're not smart enough to think and do for ourselves. In Big Nanny government they want us to be helpless, it gives them more power

    Source(s): The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers, The letters of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams: Thoughts on Government, John Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government, George Washington's Farewell Address, Thomas Paine: Common Sense, ALL REAL HISTORY and more exists just for us...please educate yourselves.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you! Both sides of the political process have to clean house! And hopefully we will have another party!

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