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How best to explain Malfoy's growth to movie only kid?

My daughter and I are big fans of all the JK Rowling books. I just overheard her (preteen) frustration in attempting to explain Malfoy's growth to a friend who has only seen the movies, and has made it her business to spoil and find out every detail of the story from people who have read the book.

My daughter gave up in frustration and repeated that too much was lost in the movies to explain it to anyone just plain too lazy to read the books.

How would you explain Malfoy? Growth? Redemption? Transformation? Opportunisitic? Just wondering.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The characters are supposed to get a year older in each book/movie. Tell her that. Malfoy is supposed to be 16 or 17 in the sixth film.


    Oh okay...I get what you're asking...You can tell her that he probably just matured. Malfoy started out as an immature 11 year old kid who believed everything his father told him and thought that in order to gain his father's approval he had to follow a certain path and hate certain people. I think Malfoy finally realized just how serious things got...I mean Voldemort could've killed him and his family and that really taught him a lesson. He learned that life isn't just some game...He GREW UP.

    I also think Harry saving Malfoy's life and Malfoy losing his friend Crabbe really changed him. Malfoy is someone who's used to getting everything he asks for...regardless of how dangerous it when he lost someone so close to him with the threat of losing even more people he cared so much about that also really changed him. He started to care about the things that mattered instead of just being so superficial.

    But there's alot of Malfoy in movie 6! So her friend can wait for that too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Make her read the books! :D

    I think you're completely write about Growth, Redemption, and Transformation. I also think that maybe Malfoy did not always sincerely hate Harry, maybe he was jealous of the attention and respect that Harry was always receiving, and lashed out at him.. and to keep on his family's good side, had to live up to what they expected and stood for. after all he had Lucius Malfoy for a father, one of the head Death Eaters, I'm not sure that something that evil would be very kind to his own children? Makes sense that someone so unloved would resent someone like Harry, who was unloved for so long, then discovered that he was loved universally by the wizard world and that his parents had loved him so much they were willing to die protecting him. It makes sense that Malfoy, brought up by very hateful, selfish people and with no real friends, just cronies, would deeply envy that. So, who knows.

    Source(s): I <3 JK Rowling :D
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd say Redemption but only because I don't believe in Transformation.

    He is guilted into the good side by the 7th book after a series of events agaist his cause and realising it was too evil for him to handle.

  • 1 decade ago

    nothing, malfoy is pretty much the devil.

    when he didnt kill dumbledore i was hoping he would join harry and them in the next book, but nope, hes still just a little weenie.

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