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  • Anyone want to whine about Project Runway's move?

    I just visited the site and, ew, had to go through Lifetime. I think it sucked out braincells and replaced them with cheese.

    Anyone else think this move is going to be a disaster?

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago
  • Adults - Why so much morbidity assigned to 6th & 7th Grade Readers?

    Why do schools target so much morbid focused literature on sixth and seventh grade children?

    I've checked out reading lists in my child's district, and done searches from NY to LA and in all the top schools. Death, dying, suicide and murder are the the constant backdrop or front themes of their reading lists.

    Kids, please pass on responding to this question. Adults, do you have a guess or know of a reason why?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is the 'Cove' too scary to watch?

    In checking out all the upcoming movies, I just read about the Cove. I use, but every movie site seems to have the same warnings. Is this enough to know about and not see? Did anyone catch this at Sundance? Is it one to just suck up and go see anyway?

    Here's a link on imdb.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What happens to your level if you take off YA for the summer?

    Will I lose my level if I do not answer again until September when the kids are back in school?

    I generally stop posting after 3pm to avoid the change in direction on the boards that I enjoy. It seems that enough schools are out for the summer, not just the day now to change my boards from their normal q&a to the standard teen topics - which is just fine, no flames here. It is just not something that holds my interest.

    Do I lose my level as well as the Top Contributor badges?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can Arnold stand up to the textbook publishers - and win?

    The 2006 Whitehouse Gov Budget reports that we as a nation spend 21% of the GDP on textbooks if combining Elementary through Post Grad in every state in the nation. The average publisher spends $1.5M annually in lobbying costs.

    Will Arnold be able to finally do what no other politician has been able to do and stand up to the text book pubishers?

    Here are the Governators top four demands to the Legislature:

    -Making school textbooks available in digital formats, freeing "hundreds of millions of dollars that could be used to hire teaches and reduce class sizes."

    • Using privately run correctional facilities as part of an effort to reduce the cost of prisons.

    • Giving local governments more opportunity to run things without interference from Sacramento.

    • Giving school districts more flexibility "and not tie their hands with strict rules like who is allowed to mow the lawn or fix the roof or do the plumbing."

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Any recommendations for an Anti-inflammatory Diet?

    Because of a debilitating health condition, I have been put on an anti-inflammatory diet. It must be wheat free, dairy free, gluten free and sugar free. It has to hit 40 grams of fiber daily and have only 20 grams of protein daily.

    Can anyone share their personal do's and don'ts experience for success with this type eating plan? I'm going through all the websites and am putting together my best first guess on a weekly menu. I am not jazzed. Best Answer consideration for anyone who can provide kid friendly food links as I will be forcing my daughter to join me on this. Oy!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Any philosophers taking a stance on the morality of killing a murderer?

    What work of philosophy argues for or against the value of murdering the murderer? Any information above the link is appreciated by those with informed perspectives.

    Today's headlines on the murder of the late-term abortion doctor are the source of the question. Opinions and abstract stances are better suited to the Polls and Survey's section please. I'm looking for a basis in fact and the argument's both ways, as I tend to learn as much from those I disagree with and as agree. I'm not having a lot of luck googling beyond finding opinion and editorial. Help?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Would adults like to see YA create a Books & Authors section for the over 21 set?

    Clearly, the Books and Authors section on YA is mislabeled. It is actually "Teen/Children Lit: Surveys, Homework and Writing Help."

    As roughly 95% of the posts seem to come in three sizes: Twilight and/or Vampire Poll, Homework Question, and please critique my great writing/vampire novel for me. As such, it would be redundant to create a separate section for children's literature, as this is all ready here.

    It is always wonderful to find the off post that is an actual question; is about a book or author; and the answers come with a link and perspective that informs both the asker and the audience - it is the rare find when that question is not targeted to children's literature (twilight/harry potter) or is a homework question.

    Would the grown-ups, who are the minority on YA Books and Authors, enjoy a separate section about books and authors for Adult Fiction and Nonfiction Books and Authors - or - is it fun/hepful to see what the kids are up to and no big deal to have a separate site?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Outlander Book 7 - Actress to play Claire?

    Diana Gabaldon did it and Book 7 is complete and on presale for Sept 22. I wish she had finished it in time for the beach!

    It seems they are making a movie out of book 1 - The Outlander. The lead actor is supposed to be Gerard Butler.

    Who would be your ideal Claire? I think Liv Tyler would do great. She looks both old and young and would give it depth.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Are Twilight Fans aware of the Yahoo Group for them?

    There is a discussion group on Yahoo Groups called Twilight. It is for anyone over the age of 13 who wants to discuss this literary giant.

    YA is for questions, not discussions as it says in the rules. As there are so many posts today that are obviously discussion attempts on YA , could it be that so many fans are unaware of this wonderful group for Twilight fans?

    Hint, hint, hint, hint.....

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to get AI to shush the judges?

    What would be the most effective way to get the producers of American Idol to reformat the show so that we do not have to listen to the judges? I adore Paula, Simon makes me laugh and Randy is a sweetie. Now, how do we get them to shush in 30 seconds or less?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • AI - Adam - a Meatloaf Song?

    Is anyone else hoping that Adam will do a song off the first Meatloaf album?

    He definately has the range and the pipes. As a romantic, I would love him to do either Bat out of Hell or Heaven Can Wait.

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • San Francisco: Kaboom - Best Place to View?

    For those heading out this weekend to watch KFOG's Kaboom, where is the best place to watch?

    Would you bring your overly large, overly friendly dog with you and your teen daughter?


    2 AnswersSan Francisco1 decade ago
  • Books that are misogynistic to avoid for teens?

    My daughter is eleven and is starting to become an active reader, finally! It was tough allowing her to read the Twilight books. While the romance was fun, the misogyny was credible.

    She's too young for Philip Roth. I am aware of the arguments that paint GBShaw as misogynistic too, but, I think he treated both genders with the same disdain.

    Are there ones you have read that you would say ill treat or disrespect females simply on gender? She is now exploring the teen section with me on our twice a week trips to the bookstore. If there are specific titles to avoid, please do share and thank you!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Any other Republicans confused and happy with Obama's tax haven plans?

    I am happily shocked, proud and full of respect for Obama closing up so many tax loopholes and now going after off-shore tax havens. But, um, er isn't this the old platform of the Republicans? In my forty-five years, and I am a twenty year bookkeeper, this is the first time I am watching Democrats actually close up tax cheat opportunities rather than block closing of them.

    I am proud of these actions across the aisle and hope they continue. Of course, this will put a ton of democratic contributors at a loss of who to support now. Who will they support now if the Dems also work for fair taxation?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is the most romantic story ever written - that is not Twilight?

    What is the most romantic story ever written, that is not Twilight or one of its series components?

    It is unexpectedly rainy in the SF Bay Area this weekend. The gardens will love it and it makes it a perfect opportunity to head off to the bookstore.

    Some great writing would also be welcome. I loved the Outlander Series with Jamie and Clair. Twenty years ago, I was in love with Rhett and Scarlett. I tend to read historical novels and business books. The weather is presenting a perfect opportunity to explore the heart side of writing.

    Any one have a suggestion?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • HS Girls Bullying Middle School Girls - Advice?

    Does anyone have some advice for my 11 year old daughter and her buddies on being bullied by 3 highschool girls? Summer is coming and they will be repeatedly running into these 3 losers.

    I have given her the grown up advice of just ignorning them, they are worthless, walk away. My daughter and her buddies are quite passionate that this is not enough and that I am clueless as I am a mom.

    I am going to wait a bit more to see if this escalates beyond verbal. If it does, then please know that I will be visiting the parents of these girls along with the local sherriff to make sure the larger message gets through on the first shot.

    But, before I do my embarrasing, over-reacting mom job, I was hoping you all had better advice for now? Thank you!

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How best to explain Malfoy's growth to movie only kid?

    My daughter and I are big fans of all the JK Rowling books. I just overheard her (preteen) frustration in attempting to explain Malfoy's growth to a friend who has only seen the movies, and has made it her business to spoil and find out every detail of the story from people who have read the book.

    My daughter gave up in frustration and repeated that too much was lost in the movies to explain it to anyone just plain too lazy to read the books.

    How would you explain Malfoy? Growth? Redemption? Transformation? Opportunisitic? Just wondering.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Need parallels between Boston Massacre and Wall St. Bailout?

    The Quartering of British Soldiers in Colonial Homes at the Homeowner's cost is known to have contributed to the Boston Masacre. Then the Boston Masacre leads to the American Revolution, or is arguably the first battle of the Revoltion.

    My thesis is that there is a parallel between King George forcing the Colonists to pay for an Army they did not want, to enforce taxation policies that were against thier interests is much the same as Washington forcing Tax Payers to bail out Banks who have practices that are against the interests of the Tax Payers.

    I am writing of all the grassroots organizations and efforts that are building in the last few months in response to these bailouts for the purpose of bringing core system change in America.

    Can anyone add to the detail please? Links to organizations or current data is much appreciated.

    I am using the details that show

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why is Madoff still free while lesser criminals are all in jail?

    The corruption surrounding Madoff is simply astounding. Its like the old Cole Porter song, 'You say Ponzi, I say RICO,' or potAAo, potAto. Madoff, his wife the bookkeeper, the kids, the family and the friends are parading around in the wealth they stole from thousands of people. Signficantly lesser criminals are locked up, their assets seized and they are fined. What are the informed theories that explain this significant display of blatant corruption by the legal system?

    Yes, in advance, we know that antisemtics, antiamericans can spew the usual nonsense. I'm looking for a bit more information than ignorant hatred. Any real information out there? This Madoff case is simply astounding to watch.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago