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Just got new front/back breaks and still are squeaky?

I just got new breaks on both front and back, they are good quality breaks and are still squeaking. Why could this be? It's been like one week since they were changed. My car is a Jeep Liberty.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take it back to the shop that did the work, there are a few different reasons they might squeak. Could be the pins aren't greased or that the pads need to have the stop squeak goo-ed onto the backs. That's why you pay so much for breaks, take it back and they fix it again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As the first person stated they did not apply the lubricant, take it back and tell them to fix the squeak dont wait to long though they won't do anything if you wait to long.

  • 1 decade ago

    if the brakes are squeaking its because they didnt put copper slip on the back of the pads, this stops them from trembling when you brake and squeaking against the calipers

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