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Namesake ideas to honour family ?

I want to give my son my brothers name as his middle name, but because I don't have a sister I don't know what to name my daughter. I can't give her my mothers name as I haven't used my fathers name for my son. And I don't want to use one Grandparents name in case I offend my Grandparents on the other side of the family. And I am very close with my cousins, yet again I wouldn't want to leave one out.

Can anyone suggest a way that I can try to honour a family member without leaving anyone out.


oh I like the idea of combining mum and dads name. They are Carina and Stephen. How can you combine that?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I also like the idea of combining your mother and father's name!

    For Carina and Stephen, how about:





    Or, you could have two middle names, i.e. one grandparent's name from either side, so she has a link to both her paternal and maternal relatives.

    Another idea would be to do two middle names again, one as your mother's name, and the other as the feminine form of your father's name. How about Carina Stephanie as the two middle names? Or you could even make that the first and middle names, e.g. Stephanie Carina (insert surname)

    Anyway, hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why can't you give your son your brother's name and then give your daughter her very own middle name? Just because you haven't used your father's name for your son is absolutely no reason not to use your mother's name as a middle name for your daughter.

    It is impossible to honor "a" family member without leaving everyone else out. And honestly, you're just going to drive yourself crazy trying. Pick a name that YOU like and go with it. No matter what names you choose you're never going to find something that everyone is happy with so you really should focus on what makes you and the baby's father happy. If you're worried about people being offended you could always choose a name that you like from your family and then look up variations of that name and choose a variation instead of using the exact same name.

  • 1 decade ago

    On "The Dick Van Dyke Show", the characters had the same dilemma so the child's name is Richard Rosebud Petrie.

    His middle name is an acronym for








    from his grandparents and great-grandfather's names, and whom they admired.

    You can go nuts combining names. Usually it ends up silly like Rosebud or totally horrible like Caraphen--it sounds like some kind of glue.

    I cannot believe your families are so insecure that they'd be hurt if the baby isn't named for them. How far do you want to go--third cousins, twice removed?

    Give the child a traditional name that doesn't need to be explained every time he/she fills out a form. Use the Rosebud idea for a family-only nn--that would be really cute!

  • 1 decade ago

    use your name

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  • Meesh
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Is there a female version of your brothers name? If you changed your last name how about using your maiden name as a middle name that way dad, mum, your brother and grandparents are honoured and the last name is your husbands/partner that way everyone wins lol!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only one thats close to combining your parents names that I can come up with is Serena...not very combined at all.

    Does your partner have a sister...youve chosen your brothers name as a middle name let him choose a female name from his side as a middle name.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stephanie Carlynn

    Carly Stella

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't just name it after a person, but after a person who really means something to you. Maybe you have a favorite aunt or cousin, or you love your great grandmother's name. Or you can try combining your mother and father's name to create a new name. I know a girl named Danell because her Dad was David and her mother was Nelia.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think I can squeeze out Cara Stephanie

    I can see the name Tainn in there. It's rhynes with stay in.

    I can see the name Reece so I've just come up with Tainn Reece.

    I see the name Irene and Sara; Irene Sara

    I see Erin Rita from Erin and Rita

    I see Ariana; Ariana Reece

    I see Erica; Erica Irene

  • 1 decade ago

    Carina and Stephen - Serina? Or Serena is the more traditional spelling and it's a beautiful name.

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