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dirocyn asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Any actual evidence that global warming is a myth?

People post questions and answers on here just about every day, claiming that global warming is a myth, a fraud, a farce. Come on, deniers and skeptics, show me some real evidence that global warming isn't happening. Show me how temperatures have not, in fact, risen by 0.6-0.7 degrees C over the past 100 years. Preferably something from a real scientist who is not employed by an energy company.

I am not looking for information about causes of warming (or the lack thereof). This is a question about thermometers, not CO2 and sunspots.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These have the US temperatures for the last 130 years. First one made in 1999 and the second was 2007. If you look at the charts, 1934 was rewritten so it would be noted as cooler than 1998. Obviously this was semi-corrected when Hansen's flaw was discovered. It just makes me wonder how many other "rewrites" he did.

    Also, who cares if it has warmed by 0.6-0.7 degrees C, it cooled by over 1 degree C before that (Little Ice Age). Doesn't that sound like it is naturally rebounding? Once the LIA became a bit of a focus, the well-paid scientists decided they wanted to rewrite the history of the LIA too. Its become obvious that they are involved in some kind of scheme.

    Before Hansen took over monitoring the global climate, scientists were writing about how the planet warmed by 1 degree C from 1880-1940 and cooled by 0.5 C after that (up to 1977when the posted article was written). Net warming of 0.5 C. But if you look at NASA's "data", it only warmed by 0.2 C. Obviously this was adjusted so the temperature "swing" would look more dramatic. If the chart had the previous warming of up to 1 C when compared to 1880, there would be no "hockey stick" and it would have shown that it was warmer in the early 1900's.

    Alan Robock wrote a paper about this and showed that anthropogenic forcings had little effect on the environment. (Click on the PDF link to download a copy).

    Now he is on board with the global warming scare. Shows how money can have an influence on science. That is why I will not believe the scare, money has too much power and scientists are selling out.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no real proof that its not warming. They simple look outside and go its snowing there for global warming is a lie. They obviously didn't do well in primary school learning about winter.

    It snowed last winter where i live in Australia. Did that promptly make me turn around and go global warming cant be true its snowed, for the 3rd time in 20 years. No it didn't change how i felt i though cool snow. I still though the planet is warming. I wish i was wrong and it wasn't.

    heres an interesting like i though id share with the world i found today.

  • 1 decade ago

    yep, we're still in the holocene warming period & we're about up to the same temperature as the "climatic optimum" of 8000 years ago.

    no doubt you would have had a serious panic attack if you had been around when the really rapid warming was taking place between 12,000 & 10,000 years ago. but as extremely rapid as that was it still took around 30 human lifetimes

    likewise you can expect similarly rapid variations when the holocene ends & we Begin the next ice age.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could show them video of the arctic melting as well as green land and they say well jeez it's the middle of winter and i feel cold I don't believe in global warming

    Where is your proof that the earth is cooling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you have none, you said that it is

    you can see the ******* ice shelf melting

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, maybe the fact that the earth is cooling?

    Just a thought....

    Did you notice that the mantra is now "climate change"? That's because it's getting harder to lie about the fact that the earth is NOT warming. But hey, if you call it climate change, well, the climate is always chanigng, so nobody can say you're wrong!

  • 1 decade ago


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