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How do we educate people on the difference between legal immigrants/aliens and illegal aliens?

Many on this section and, in this country, do not distinguish illegal aliens from legal immigrants, and that's created great amount of mis-understanding and unnecessary hostilities towards legal immigrants and legal aliens.

Personally, I found it insulting to lump legal immigrants and legal aliens with illegal aliens/invaders. Unlike illegal aliens who are mostly un-educated and un-skilled, who pop out babies after babies before they even reach legal drinking age, Legal immigrants and legal aliens have to go through un-believable amount of legal processes, document-gethering, testings, waiting, interviewing, and spend lots of money for legal consultation, filing fees, and what so ever. A high percentage of the legal immigrants who hold "employment based" greencard have much higher level of education(from great U.S. univesities) than the majority of U.S. population. And these highly educated people have made tremendous amount of contribution to all fields of Science, technology, social science, finances, education, medicine. And most of all, these highly educated immigrants normally raise intelligent children who are also high-achievers and contributors to the society.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a matter of fact, it's ignorant people who THINK illegal immigrants are uneducated/unskilled and and "pop out" babies before their time that continue to make this country so looked down on. Our country is already looked as the most contradicting of all and yet we continue to turn our backs on immigrants who help build and run it. Now that YOU'RE all fine a dandy, let's lock everybody else out?

    Illegal immigrants go to school WITHOUT any finacial help, they do the dirty work your 'pretty little hands' will never even dare to do. You all put them down so harshly when you don't even know them. If anything, its illegals AND legal immigrants who are considered more american then all of you JUDGEMENTAL people. They come here for a better life and to make all of YOUR already lazy lives easier, they will never hesitate to do your damn biddings because they know what it's like to be lucky to be able to live in this country unlike all of us who take what we have forgranted. Who are any of you to judge them when it was your ancestors who did the same thing (at a time when immigrating was 200 times easier yet JUST as overwhelming to the country.)?

    It's sad to see how close-minded and GREEDY people can be. This isn't just your country and whether you all like it or not it will always be the country of immigrants, legal or illegal, born here or not.

    Source(s): I proudly live in Sacramento, CA, the most diverse city in the world, full of natives and immigrants.
  • 5 years ago

    The only ones who care about the distinction between legal and illegal are the people who hire them. The illegals are cheaper to hire, do not expect benefits, and won't ask for a raise or join a union. And if one of them gets hurt the company can fire him without having to pay workman's comp or unemployment. As far as legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, they don't care because most illegals are here staying a legal relative.

  • Ali A
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Stevetco wrote:"Everytime there is a mass migration legal or not, by any is met with resistance. Italians, French, Cicilians, Irish, Japanese, .....and now it's the Mexicans turn.

    Amazes me how many people seem to be unfamiliar with the inscription on the statue of liberty...."

    Amazing how many ARE NOT FAMILIAR with why France gave us the Statue of Liberty in the first place: as a beacon to other countries to emulate the example of the U.S. in establishing a democracy, just as France did with the French revolution. The poem by Emma Lazarus is an early 20th century addition, not a matter of national policy.

    You may also recall that the Statue of Liberty is holding her lamp high, lighting the way for IMMIGRANTS TO WALK IN THE FRONT DOOR, not sneak in across a border.

    Now, any more revisionist history? Other than pretending that illegal aliens are just the same as past generations of immigrants?

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a push now for unions to support illegal immigrants, promising then that they will do an amnesty, giving us millions more poor, uneducated, unskilled laborers, but then shut the door to the kind of legal immigrants we want - skilled, educated, with particular technological skills to offer our country.

    But instead, the liberals want more people to feed off the system who will give them their blind vote because they will be dependent on the government.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have no problem with LEGAL immigration , I am one myself, My problem is ILLEGAL immigration, and some people want to lump them together.

    America is a country of immigrants, for sure, all those people that passed through Ellis Island were immigrants, Legal immigrants, and they had to conform to the laws of this country. There are millions of people that have been patiently waiting to immigrate to this country the legal way, Why should people that have made a mockery of our laws should be rewarded with a path to citizenship.?

    I do not understand the mind set of those that advocate for illegal immigrants

    And yet compare their "struggle" to the Blacks Civil Rights Movement .

    For one thing Blacks were brought here forcibly as slaves, and became citizens.

    Nobody is forcing illegal aliens into this country, if they find it so unbearable here, nobody is stoping them from returning to their country

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most know the difference but illegal lovers like to make people think that those of us with half a brain who are against illegal immigration are also against legal immigration, which is not the case.

  • 1 decade ago

    The huge difficulty is that people who are against illegal immigration also want to tighten restrictions on legal immigration. This makes it harder for people to immigrate legally, which increases illegal immigration! It's a huge loop, and people need to start thinking about the consequences of making it more and more difficult to immigrate.

  • 1 decade ago

    take a night patrol on the boarder . real education. real. hard knocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like the old school game alien invaders. Nobody should knock that classic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Ida...just stop them all from coming here. What do we need them here for take more Americans' jobs, higher crime, 3rd world country?

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