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How would you encourage a friend to lose weight?

My best friend is 350 lbs. Her weight is a big issue, but she doesn't seem adamant about changing it. We've started and stopped the gym. She tries to eat right, but after awhile (like so many of us) she falls off track.

She broke my couch the other day & that is not cool.

Telling her isn't helping and although she can't fit most clothes at our favorite stores anymore, she just keeps getting bigger.

I want her to be a happier person and live a long life. I mean, we're only in our late 20's...

What can I do to encourage her?

5 Answers

  • Mims86
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ive dealt with a similar situation minus the breaking of the couch. Which is a bummer by the way. Since I was already involved in a work out routine, I slowly started involving my friend in the activities I was doing so she wouldnt be so overwhelmed with a full blown routine right away. At first there was the general and expected moans and groans, but once she started seeing even the slightest improvements I think that motivated her to stick with it no matter how much temptation knocked on her door. I honestly felt like I was dealing with a child, had to make it "fun" to keep her involved, but it worked and she dropped five pants sizes by the time the next summer rolled around which did wonders for her self confidence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her not just to do it for herself, but for any future kids she might want to have to. We only get one life: shouldn't we be happy?

    Also, inform her that if those girls on The Biggest Loser can do it, so can she. They have programs at workplaces and stuff where everyone contributes a couple of bucks and then for a month, they try to lose weight. The person with the highest percentage of weight loss by the end of the month gets all the money, and anyone who gained weight has to chip in more money. Give that a try, see if money is a good enough incentive.

    Plus, I say she owes you a new couch.

  • mataya
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I do not consider it is imply however i consider you need to watch out to the way you system the difficulty. You would ask her if she desires to become a member of you in a figure out in view that you desire to stick healthful and have compatibility. Try to sneak across the truly hindrance or direct it with out her advantage. But if she doesn;t desire to lose any wieght you then are not able to push it and need to besides her for who she is. If she's comfortable you then must be too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her there is a big chocolate cake waiting for her when she loses weight.

    Kidding, she should try these helpful tips:

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think i'm in love.

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