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If Obama decided to get rid of Hillary and Nancy, What could he get to replace them?

Let's say that they both went against his wishes, and he thought he could do better, Who or what could he get in trade?


I knew these two weren't liked too well but gees, some of the swaps look like a weekend swap meet!

Update 2:

I'm in the trading mood now. I want the most for my money. What am I bid for these two beauts?

Update 3:

Only a Marine

> Last Tuesday, as President Obama got off the Helicopter in front of the

> White House, he was carrying a baby piglet under each arm.

> The squared away Marine guard snaps to attention, Salutes, and says:

> "Nice pigs, Sir."

> The President replies: "These are not pigs. These are authentic Arkansas

> Razorback Hogs. I got one for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and I got

> one for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi."

> The squared away Marine again snaps to attention, Salutes, and says:

>> "Excellent trade, sir


Update 4:

Yep them pigs could sell the pork!

22 Answers

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL! Hell the funny part is that the pigs could do a better job at getting us out of debt than the Jackazzes we have running things now!

  • 1 decade ago

    If he gets rid of Hillary that means he knows his chance for election in 2012 is near zero. Its rumored that he only picked her because she was a threat to his 2012 bid for re-election.

    Getting rid of Nancy again is a bad idea in that Pelosi probably has some pull with the moonbats in California.

    I think he is a one term president, and the voters are getting to know the real Obama after 3 months of the most incredible wasteful spending we have ever known. These bailouts are nothing more than power grabs by the government.

  • 1 decade ago

    We the People would replace them by getting rid of Obama before he did. He would accidently be playing right into the hands of Liberty, Justice and the recovery of Capitalism, if he got rid of those two. Biden, and Geitner will be lost without Obama, Pelosi, and Hellary, so they are NO problem.

    We can save America if all the above mentioned take a hike....out of our country.

    PS: OBAMA is LOST without PELOSI...she wrote every single one of his bills, the bankrupt America bill (stimulus is the lie name), and the "budget", that isn't a budget, but an intructional manual on the country's new, and skyrocket high taxes will be. He's raising the prices on weapons commonly used by we the people...hello! Hand-guns...pretty soon only the constitution breaking government will be able to afford them, and the criminals will possess them because they stole them.

    This MF needs to go...we have to make him go!

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not sure who, but it is a fact they would be a member of one or more of the following groups.

    1) Bilderberg Group

    2) Council on Foreign Relations

    3) Trilateral Comission

    or a past employee of a federal reserve bank like Geitner

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A pair of "Blow-Up Dolls".

    Both full of hot air, hollow, artificial, substance less, deflatable for storage, plastic, pliable, obscene, anyones boff, perverted, sleazy ...

    Don't see a difference here, other than a substantial cost savings.


    bluelotus .... bring money, Blago's time is expensive (as are his recommendations/referrals)

    He He

  • 1 decade ago

    I really think my dog could do a much better job after all he just lays around and doesn't try to bother anybody. He don't raise anything but his tail at times and that is better than raising taxes. He does fart at times but on a lighter side he doesn't worry about saving a field mouses habitat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not wish to question your question, however, I assure you it is Nancy, not Hill or Barry that calls the shots.

    Hillary isn't around enough to be in power, and the Obama device does what it is told.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    By that time American will be comparable to "Oceania" from the novel "1984"

    We would have a dictator named Barack need for a congress...

  • You have displayed your sense of humor so brilliantly! You should be trying for Jay Leno's job.

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