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Lv 5
darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is it now wrong to shoot a terrorist?

During the destruction of the house of a suicide terrorists[A procedure Israel adopted in some cases lately to discourage suicide bombers], a Palestinian 20 year old attempted to run over the police officers and construction workers assigned to the task, wounding 3 in the process. The police shot and killed him before he managed to injure others.

Now, several Arab prime ministers in Israel are criticizing the police for being "too quick on the trigger", shooting down a terrorist while he's a major threat to them. The Mukhtar of the village where this occured called this "a cold-blooded murder". Isn't this absurd? Will there ever be a limit to anti-Israeli criticism and bias?


anthony - Actually, Israel's police is too lenient to open fire on Palestinians due to widespread extreme criticism. That's also why during the 1st and 2nd bulldozer attacks last year, the terrorist managed to attack numerous before eventually a military officer shot them down, despite police presence in the area.

wiseguy - "Whatever?" Maybe for you injuring over 20 Israelies with a bulldozer is "whatever", for some peolpe it's human lives. The house belonged to the terrorist who commited the terrorist attack in Jerusalem on July 2nd. Read on it.

As for Baruch Goldstein - His attack took place before the whole "destroying terrorist houses" legislation. However, Israel always takes steps against Israelies when necessary. For example, I suggest you read up on the Israeli political party "Kach", and how Israel outlawed it since it considered it racist against Arabs. Doubt your precious Al-Jazeera would write a piece on that.

Update 2:

starleo - Israel offered the Palestinians their own state in the West Bank + Gaza strip + East Jerusalem in the "camp david 2000" summit. Read up about it. In return, Palestinians must stop terrorism against Israel altogether. Their leaders refused. If they want to be freedom fighters, they need to fight their leaders who refuse the establishment of a Palestinian state so they can squeeze more funds from the EU and UN. People who intentionally go on a rampage in Jerusalem and run over innocents using bulldozers aren't freedom fighters, only pathetic excuses for human beings.

Update 3:

Mamma Mia - You show perfectly how people who are keen criticizers of Israel lack knowledge and have little care for details. The police was demolishing the house of a terrorist who already was killed on a rampage over half a year ago. The 20 year old just wanted to kill himself some Israelies so he can get his 72 virgins.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "During the destruction of the house of a suicide terrorist..."

    Whatever dude. You cyber soldiers fool only the naive. What did Israel do to Baruch Goldstein's house? You are telling me all the land that Israel confiscates and all the houses Israel destroys in the West Bank belong to terrorists?

    It's a colonial-settler state. Go take your cyber warfare elsewhere people are generally well informed about Israel's crimes in this section.

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Do you not realise that to shoot a terrorist carrying out an act of terrorism or planning one at the site is a severe breech of his/her human rights to carry out an act of terrorism. To do this a special UN resolution is needed before the police can act and the terrorists permission is need and it must be in writing and countersigned by a lawyer accredited to the organisation to which the terrorist belongs.

    Simple isn't it

  • 1 decade ago

    This story is so sad, what came 1st, they're trying to bulldoze his house so he was desperate enough to kill himself, how dare Israel carry on destroying people's homes the way they do.

    2) why are the Israeli police in the Palestinian area, this is what's creating the cycle of terror, Palestinians should police their own areas and Israeli's should stay in theirs.

    No one and especially not a 20 year old want to die, it's the bloody despair, cruel situation they've been trapped in for so long that's creating this, this is why it has to be stopped, Israel's barbaric treatment of the Palestinians have to stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Muslim/Islam, Hamas, Palestinian, & Arab propaganda machine has been working overtime in the last few years and the fruits of it's labours are now evident.

    It is now considered politically correct to crap on Israel. The fools they're dumping their feces on the wrong ones!

    Right now (and very few people know this or would even dare to acknowledge it) but right now the only thing standing between us and the annihilation of our technologies is "ISRAEL"!

    The only thing keeping us safe from the wealthy fanatics of ill-will are the Israelites. And the fools keep smacking them and beating them into submission for an ungodly alliance with the enemy. Javier Solana is one of the biggest fools behind the scenes and if he has his way? Israel will soon have her hands tied.

    I'm a Zionist, have been for years, hell decades truth be told, and it really ticks me off to see so many duped and conned by so few evil men that the masses are ready to sacrifice the only stable democratic government in the mid-east for a false peace.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well, they called the palestinian who attacked two kids with an axe, killed the 13 year old and wounded the 7 year old

    "freedom fighter who acted in self-defense"

    and the Terrorist Tractor Attack in Jerusalem was called by them a "traffic accident" and killing the terrorist was murder - so they only continuing their propaganda. there are many people who believe them.

  • Kemo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Terrorist or not, the police should shoot at anyone attempting to hit them with a car. The dude could have just been high, for all I care, but if he is trying to injure someone he needs to go. Thank goodness it was an officer, who had the means to take him out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the Israeli army and police know what they are doing. A palestinian terrorist on this kind of rampage wont stop killing people until he has been severly wounded or killed. They have been taught to fight to the death.

  • 1 decade ago

    even tho it could be absurd it can also give the isreal police to shoot innocent people driving who they think there terrorist even tho there just going to the store to buy milk and shoot them down too! Then the police would say they thought he was a terrorist they will just abuse that right to shoot anyone on accidental.

    But the story above that you wrote wasn't murder i think that is legit

  • 1 decade ago

    palestinians ! ha mas ! iran ! syria ! do not want peace what they want is the destruction of israel ! but Israel will never surrender there land given to them from god so there will not be peace an Israel will protect there people from terrorist

  • 1 decade ago

    whatever the israelis is the eyes of many muslims and arabs

    this terrorist was just a poor misunderstood product of israeli terrorism....he is a freedom fighter etc etc........the usual mantras used to justify islamic terrorists

    good for the police less terrorist to target innocent israelis and one less pawn to be used by hamas .....

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