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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

After 140 years, prisoners are getting the right to vote, do you think this is fair?

''Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, added: "It would be disgusting to let tens of thousands of criminals have an equal vote as the law abiding majority.

"These convicts never gave a second thought to the rights of others when they committed their crimes so their right to vote should be forfeited.

"The Government should get a backbone and start standing up for the British people by simply refusing to do what the European Court of Human Rights says."

Do you agree or disagree with this statement from the Telegraph. Please state why?

Personally it annoys me that we pay out £30,000,000 a day to be part of Europe only for the European Court Of Human Rights to tell us we are breaching the human rights of prisoners by not allowing them to vote.

Please bear in mind that paedophiles and rapists will receive sentences as short as this when answering the question.


Deighton the point you made about the constituency reminded another paper a man said (in a satirical tone of course) that he thought it was Gordon Browns last ditch attempt to secure 28,000 votes for the next election to see if it boosts his chances of winning. Made me laugh.

Update 2:

*Sophs mum mum, couldn't have said it better myself. This just adds to my list of reasons on why we should not be in Europe, I won't even go there though, I'd be here all day.

Update 3:

*Prison just is not a punishment in the UK! I watched a TV programme about a US prison on Living and they had 8 women to a large room with one loo. They all had a bunk bed and a toilet, they were inside for 23hrs a day and when they had their 1 hour they would have a choice of a phone call, exercise OR a me that is prison, what we have here is the equivalent to Butlins.

Update 4:

*Sophs mum mum that link just makes me shudder. To me prisoners should have the right of a bed, a toilet, somewhere to wash and food. Thats it. I can remember when I was 14,a girl who had been in juvenile (oh sorry, I mean Child Correction Centre lets be PC now) attacked me, I wound up in hospital, she got 2 years and when she came out she had completed her hairdressing NVQ! What did I have? Post traumatic stress disorder and 2 years of A levels ahead of me. It really makes me sick...Myra Hyndley completed her OU degree in English Lit before she died... I know what i think should happen to women like her but I won't get in to it.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel like they broke the laws of our country. Therefore they should have their freedom removed. Removing only their physical freedom and putting them in a prison with DVD players, internet, games consoles etc - is not punishment. They forfeited their right to be able to have a say in how our country is run, when they decided to illegally disobey the rules our coubtry has put in place. Also, I find it funny that its the court of human rights - what about the human rights of those who have been robbed, raped, murdered, abused, assaulted...

    **** It really piisses me off - we paid for our laptop, our Wii, our internet, our tv package, we buy our food, gas, electric, rent - they get the EXACT same as me for FREE. Where is the *justice* (i use that word loosely).

    **** I googled it - do you know prisoners have rights?

    Its an absolute joke.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what a farce, a guy on the radio said they still had to have 'human rights' and voting was a human right. Well next they will want the human right of being able to leave prison if they feel like it, so the statement makes no sense.

    What if a constituency has a very large prison within it? The prisoners get a large say in who is elected! In council elections it could be even more marked, you could end up with an actual criminal as a candidate, elected by his fellow inmates.

  • 1 decade ago

    Voting is not a human right, it is a privilege given to all responsible citizens. I do think that voting rights should be restored to those who have served their entire sentence including parole or probation, because it is silly that a 40 year old can't vote because of a crime he committed when he was 20 as he has long since decided to rejoin law abiding society. But letting a felon in prison vote? They lost the right to influence the laws that affect how others live when they refused to follow them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't live in Europe, but I do think Criminals have no rights what so ever except for the basic necessities such as food, water, shelter and health care. They gave up all their other right when they committed their crimes. They should not be allowed to vote or have any say in what goes on in the country until they learn to abide by the laws that govern it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm starting to wonder what exactly is 'punishment' about going to jail. I used to live right next to Scotland's biggest prison, and many of my neighbours worked within the prison. They told me about the prisoner's 'rights' and they get more than a lot of people who haven't commited a crime.

    So, they can easily communicate with the outside world, they can work, be educated, have their shelter and food provided for them, and now they can vote? What is being taken away from them?

    Did they consider human rights when they stole from someone/molested a child/physically attacked an adult etc etc? If they can't be shown to be respectful of others 'rights', they shouldn't be entitled to any - including the right to vote.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm no longer able to work out it making plenty distinction interior the united kingdom, in basic terms each 5 years while the united kingdom has a conventional election, maximum penal complex sentances are under 3 years, so under 20% of prisoners than are in now will nonetheless be to vote in 2015, thats around sixteen,000

  • 1 decade ago

    Bad bad world we live in when we wish to give criminals rights held dearly by good citizens. That action in and of itself makes people bad by nature, not good.

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