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Medical Science student, noodle lover, women's health activist, and a mother to two children. I am pro-choice, pro-contraceptives, and support a woman's right to make autonomous decisions during her pregnancy and birth. Aside from being obsessed with women's health, I am a history lover. I am especially obsessed with Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, and Catherine of Aragon.

  • Just how bad does SPD feel?

    I have SPD and until now it was just some pain in my groin and around my hips. Tonight it is hurting a lot more, quite intense around the hips and an ache around by abdomen. Any advice from women that have had or do have SPD will help.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 19 weeks and experienced a gush of fluid today.?

    Last night I sneezed and leaked a little fluid, because it was a small amount I assumed that it was just my bladder muscles not being as strong as they were. The same thing happened this morning, just before I was about to have a bath, except this time when I sneezed a gush of water came out. It didn't smell like urine and it didn't have a thick enough consistency to be discharge.

    I've just been to see my doctor who has given me a referral to the on call OB at my nearest hospital. I'm just waiting for someone to come and watch Faith, but I have a couple of questions whilst I'm waiting.

    *Has this happened to anyone and they have found that it was just a lot of wee?

    *What happens if my membranes have ruptured? Is there something they can do to carry on the pregnancy at this early stage?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Persistent retroverted uterus/using a birth pool at my local hospital...?

    There are actually a couple of questions I want to ask, so bear with me :).

    1. I was planning a home birth, but the hospital I would be transferred to has changed. Previously I would've been 15 minutes away, now I'm 45 minutes on a good run. Me and my partner decided last night that we would be safer going to the hospital, just in case I need to transfer. Do you agree with this decision? Or would you say it is still safe to birth at home?

    2.There is a birth pool at my transfer hospital, but currently no water birth trained midwives (which could change by July!). Can I use the pool for pain relief and then get out for the birth itself?

    3.I found that the reason for my ventouse delivery was that I have a retroverted uterus that remained persistent. My mother has had the same problem. Is it likely that this will lead to me having a ventouse delivery again?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has feminism done more harm than good?

    I read an article in the daily mail today about a woman who was despondent over her Oxford graduate daughter opting to be a housewife.

    One phrase in the article led me to ask the above question 'Has feminism done more harm than good?'

    I'd love to hear opinions from both sides of the fence and from both sexes.

    10 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • If a first time mum has a ventouse delivery, how likely is it that subsequent deliveries will be assisted?

    My first born Faith was delivered by ventouse. This happened because my pushing stage lasted for about 3 hours and her heart rate began to fluctuate quite rapidly.

    Is it likely that this will happen again?

    For mums that have experienced a ventouse delivery and then a further natural delivery: how did your second labour experience go?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A couple of questions for ladies who's babies were transverse?

    My sister is 30 weeks pregnant and has been told that her baby is transverse.

    For those who have had a transverse baby:

    *Did your baby move naturally/with assistance? If so, at what point did he move?

    *If the baby didn't move, how many weeks were you when you had a c-section?

    *Has anyone experienced going in to labour before their elected c-section date? What happened?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Sorry to bring this up after such a long period of time, but what was all this Soph's Mum-Mum business?

    I'm guessing this won't make much sense to the majority of people in this section, but I'm having to ask this question openly because the contact I wanted to ask (Not a supermum, damn you!!!) doesn't allow email. So apologies if this makes no sense.

    I've basically come on here after almost a year away, I searched for Soph's Mum-Mum in the question bar to get her contact details back and a lot of questions came up talking about her having 15 fake accounts, committing fraud, bullying people....

    Can someone explain in full what apparently happened?

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else noticed a lot more questions being deleted than usual in this category?

    Every one of my contacts questions I just clicked on have been deleted.

    Is it a glitch or am I the only one experiencing this?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Childminder problems (UK)?

    I have been in part time education for two half days a week since last September and earlier this year I started using a childminder. I've decided to stop using her because she has let a few things slip that have indicated to me that she is only childminding as an easy way to stay at home.

    One of her 'policies' is that i need to warn her two weeks in advance before cancelling otherwise I have to pay her for the weeks I am not using her, I have followed this policy consistently whilst I had glandular feverf (Ikept Faith at home with me) and payed her for the weeks I did not cancel well in advance. I cancelled the Easter holidays more than 2 weeks in advance which she then verbally confirmed, but since cancelling she has now decided that I did not tell her and is trying to make me pay.

    In this kind of situation, what would you say to her? I still have 1 more week to pay in lieu of short cancellation, but I am not prepared to shell out £112 I have not budgeted for.

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What valuable information have you learned from the Y!A parenting and pregnancy boards?

    There is a lot of attention surrounding the negative aspects of this place today and everyone is getting wound up, so I'd like to play up the positives :).

    So what information have you learned from the pregnancy and parenting boards that you did not know before? What advice have you received that was invaluable?

    13 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Anybody else feel like the parenting board is going to the trolls?

    I do. It is getting quite dull now.

    To add to this question and make it legit, are you part of any other parenting communities and are these communities friendlier than here? Or is it the same everywhere?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • After 140 years, prisoners are getting the right to vote, do you think this is fair?

    ''Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers' Alliance, added: "It would be disgusting to let tens of thousands of criminals have an equal vote as the law abiding majority.

    "These convicts never gave a second thought to the rights of others when they committed their crimes so their right to vote should be forfeited.

    "The Government should get a backbone and start standing up for the British people by simply refusing to do what the European Court of Human Rights says."

    Do you agree or disagree with this statement from the Telegraph. Please state why?

    Personally it annoys me that we pay out £30,000,000 a day to be part of Europe only for the European Court Of Human Rights to tell us we are breaching the human rights of prisoners by not allowing them to vote.

    Please bear in mind that paedophiles and rapists will receive sentences as short as this when answering the question.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Mums, do you ever have really bad 'mumnesia' days?

    Every so often I have a 24 hour bout of mumnesia. It started last night, I left the washing out (and in true England weather style, it tipped it down), I still haven't set my clock forward on my phone so I got up at 5.30am this morning and to top it off I am supposed to be making a chocolate cake for my sisters birthday tomorrow, I have made it a million times before but for whatever reason today I put in 3 and 3/4 of cups of water in and not 3/4 of a cup in...leaving me with a frothing stinky mess. Then when I popped to the shops with Faith to get more ingredients, I realised I had odd shoes on....

    So does anyone else have a really bad 'mumnesia' day? I want to hear some stories!

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Parents, did anyone see the channel 4 documentary about teens who drink and end up in hospital?

    For anyone who didn't, it was called 'The Hospital' and it is part of a four episode series on the relationship between teens and the NHS.

    There were three cases on it that really shocked me:

    1. A boy who was in intensive care for 3 days thanks to his friend drink driving, I know this isn't uncommon, but what got me was the group of them sat in a pub laughing about it a few weeks later, bragging about the pay out he would receive (£20,000) and then C4 stating that his total hospital bill would be £5000 if we did not have the NHS.

    2.A young girl who stepped out on to the road drunk, didn't notice a reversing taxi and remained trapped under the taxi for 30 mins, one leg fully behind her head and the other being burnt by the exhaust pipe. The nurses administered Ketamin, but by mistake they injected too much and her heart stopped for 10 mins. At the end a doctor asked her if it was worth paying that much for a night out and she laughed and said 'I only spent £20, and that wasn't even mine, so it was free' (Yes, but not for those that work...)

    3.A young man who was subject to a drunken brawl died 1 week later due to swelling on his brain.

    I am running the risk of sounding stupid here, but I was not aware that Britain's problem with drunken teens was that bad. They showed A&E on a Friday & Saturday night, it was full of drunks covered in blood, hurling in the corridors...on other nights it was empty bar a few broken bones.

    So my question is, what could be done to prevent this? On radio 1 this morning a survey illustrated that 85% of NHS staff do not feel that the current government measures are working.

    I personally feel the price of alcohol needs to be raised. Not to the extent where those of us who are sensible with the odd glass of wine have to suffer...but I certainly think being able to buy a litre of vodka for £5 and giant bottles of lambrini for £2.50 (current Tesco prices) is asking for trouble, teens can access alcohol with their pocket money and do serious damage.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Mums and Dads I am in need of a toddler friendly recipe for tonight...?

    Any recipe will do :) we all eat the same meal, but I am a bit stuck for what to do for tonight.

    These are the meats that are in my fridge:

    *Chicken (whole)



    I have most condiments, herbs, veg., staples fire away :) I am in need of inspiration!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Giving birth in The UK, have you had any problems with requesting an epidural?

    If you requested an epidural at an NHS hospital did you get it as soon as you felt you needed it or did your midwife refuse?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Women that 'steal sperm'...?

    I read an article in Cosmopolitan about a year ago about career women who had reached their mid thirties and decided they wanted a baby. Instead of going to a sperm bank to get a donor legitimately they would instead go on nights out around the time they were ovulating and sleep with a random man, hoping they would become pregnant. On the other side of this I am watching Jeremy Kyle (yes I am that bored, Faith is asleep) and there is a woman on there who slept with a man on a one night stand and marked in his phone that she had slept with him 'just in case' she fell pregnant, she then did not take the morning after pill so I am assuming she planned to get pregnant without this mans knowledge.

    So I want opinions from both sides of the fence...women how do you feel about this and men how would you feel if someone did this to you?

    Personally, I think it is pretty appalling. I can understand the desire to have a baby, but there are sperm banks out there for women who are not in a relationship. It is also unfair for someone to find out they are going to be a parent with no warning and no preparation, or maybe to not find out at all.

    13 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How do I stop my daughter throwing food on the floor?

    My daughter is 20 months old, each time she finishes a meal she throws what is left over on the floor...she also does the same with food she does not like.

    She started this as soon as she could feed herself and then stopped all of a sudden, over the past week she has started it again. At the moment I am telling her no, picking it up and showing her where it goes (the bin), but she just seems to find the whole process of me picking it up entertaining :).

    So my question is, have you had this problem and how did you stop it? Or is it simply one of those things that you just have to ride out?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Considering a home birth...?

    I am in my 2ww now ( I know this is jumping the gun a little, but I have always planned everything well ahead) and I am considering a home birth for my second child.

    I have a few questions about this, but before I list them I'd just like to point out that my hospital is literally across the if anything goes wrong I can be in within 5 minutes.

    Okay here we go:

    1.When you had your homebirth did you buy or rent your pool?

    2.Did you have your midwife bring you gas and air?

    3.Did you eventually have to go in to hospital?Why?

    4.Would you recommend it?

    If anyone can provide any statistics on how safe a homebirth is V a hospital birth I would really appreciate it!


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago