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Lv 5
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Mums, do you ever have really bad 'mumnesia' days?

Every so often I have a 24 hour bout of mumnesia. It started last night, I left the washing out (and in true England weather style, it tipped it down), I still haven't set my clock forward on my phone so I got up at 5.30am this morning and to top it off I am supposed to be making a chocolate cake for my sisters birthday tomorrow, I have made it a million times before but for whatever reason today I put in 3 and 3/4 of cups of water in and not 3/4 of a cup in...leaving me with a frothing stinky mess. Then when I popped to the shops with Faith to get more ingredients, I realised I had odd shoes on....

So does anyone else have a really bad 'mumnesia' day? I want to hear some stories!


haha! The keys one is classic!! when my mum first had a mobile I would call her on it and half way through the conversation she would start saying 'I keep losing this phone you know...' bless her.

Update 2:

*Not a supermum: Yep our easter supply has dwindled too. I think I need it, the cake is going okay now and smells lovely-it smelt like burning playdough before-so I might have to raid the eggs. Theres two more egg for £1 at can be rectified :D

*Madi: Oh no!! lol. That really made me laugh, especially the part about the purse, no doubt I'll do that when Faith has her dress up things as she gets older!

Update 3:

* I seriously don't get why people thumbs down on these questions, their meant to be fun!...maybe their jealous they don't get mumnesia?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think I'm having the same day! I just made a cup of tea and coffee - in one. I put a teabag in the cup, then (for some unknown reason), a scoop of coffee and I didn't realise till it was all made. Gross. I also hung the washing out - even when I could feel tiny spits of rain which I disregarded (no idea why), and last night I emptied the wrong bin (the recycling bin was overflowing, I emptied the usual rubbish bin).

    I believe chocolate is the cure. I may have to dip into the easter supply.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Probably when two of my uncle's died (separate times) The first time was about 3 or 4 years ago and we have no clue what he died from. I loved him like no other and he was truly someone with a big heart. I love those kinds of people who just make you feel a special warmth all the time. It's a refreshing thought. He was in a wheel chair and he really did have a different view on life and accepted everyone for who they were. God i miss him :'( The second time, my other uncle died of an overdose about 2 or 3 years ago. I think he was on coke? and he had a heart attack. That made me go insane and now I'm scared to death of drugs. I get so much anxiety from seeing a vid of someone shoot up or even talking about them. Life's never been the same since those two events happened.. there's so many more "worst days", but I'd rather not go on.

  • Nothing as bad as all that.. occasionally I'll leave the house without my phone or pocket book...and occasionally I'll forget food for Jacob when I go babysit...then have to get the girl off the bus and drive back home to get it. Sometimes we forget the grocery money at home and have to use credit...bleh.

    Once though, when I was younger and making breakfast for my brother and I I poured OJ on his cereal and milk in the glass....yeah..I was like oh oops.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yes! On many occasions I went to the shop and got there and realised i forgot my shoes! Once I actually sent my friend in to buy me a pair while i waited in the car!! Oh and I lose my keys ALL the time! Everytime i go to my mums i can never find them when i go to leave. haha

    Source(s): Mum of 3
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  • TSM
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Oh good, yes. Actually it sometimes affects my job. Somebody came in to make a payment with a check yesterday and I ran her check and then handed it back to her instead of putting it in my drawer.

    Not to mention all the dinners I have burnt in past few months because I forget I had something in the oven in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yesterday, I was out of it.

    I started by going out the door with slippers on! Now this is not the first time I have done this. My husband has seen me do this and he asked me " Are you sure your ready? Do you have everything?" I look at Ryan, check my purse for my cell phone and I am like "Yeah" We get to the car and he is holding my flip-flops behind his back with a grin!

    Yesterday, I couldn't find my keys after I unloaded Ryan at the mall. I start freaking out, I check the trunk, stroller, back seat. drivers seat, floor, etc.

    Then I realize they were in my jacket pocket!

  • 1 decade ago

    I love the phrase "mumnesia." I think I'll have to borrow it! Yes, of course, have had many of those days! Most recently, dressed my darling daughter in odd shoes and sent her off to kindergarten wearing mismatching shoes. Wandered around looking for my keys while I was rushing off late to work; never mind that I was actually holding them. Tried to butter toast with peanut butter instead of regular butter (it wasn't intentional).

  • Madi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yesterday, I was feeling ill so I had my fair share of ''mumnesia'' ..... which I'm trying forget about :-)

    For my FIL birthday we all went out for dinner last night. I put eyeliner on only one eye, and wore a red bra with a white top lol .... To put the cherry on top of all that ..... I brought my 5 year old daughters purse out with me, instead of mine : their both yellow clutches, so it was an easy mistake to make :-) I opened the bag to take out money to put towards dinner ..... and it was filled with monopoly money & chap stick !!! And I put a pair of my daughters sneakers on my youngest son yesterday by mistake ...... at least he didn't notice lol

  • 1 decade ago

    well today I'm not sure if this is a good one I was putting my son's shoe's on and I didn't even notice they were on the wrong feet until his pap showed up and said we need to change your shoes boy oh boy did I feel stupid lol I just had to laugh at myself

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh yes i have them.yesterday was one of them, i got up at 5 after going to bed at 2 am (i was working) and then forgot i was supposed to meet a friend for lunch,so she called me because she was waiting and i ws still in my pj ,yest at 12. them later on i was suppose to go and take my son for a play date and i packed easter eggs for his friends.when we got there i realized i actually grabbed the garbage bag (that should teach me not to forget to buy proper black bin bags instead of reusing asda ones),i was so embarrassed and so was my son....specially because they had some eggs for us.

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