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Lv 5

Women that 'steal sperm'...?

I read an article in Cosmopolitan about a year ago about career women who had reached their mid thirties and decided they wanted a baby. Instead of going to a sperm bank to get a donor legitimately they would instead go on nights out around the time they were ovulating and sleep with a random man, hoping they would become pregnant. On the other side of this I am watching Jeremy Kyle (yes I am that bored, Faith is asleep) and there is a woman on there who slept with a man on a one night stand and marked in his phone that she had slept with him 'just in case' she fell pregnant, she then did not take the morning after pill so I am assuming she planned to get pregnant without this mans knowledge.

So I want opinions from both sides of the fence...women how do you feel about this and men how would you feel if someone did this to you?

Personally, I think it is pretty appalling. I can understand the desire to have a baby, but there are sperm banks out there for women who are not in a relationship. It is also unfair for someone to find out they are going to be a parent with no warning and no preparation, or maybe to not find out at all.


*Ginny, I doubt the men know in advance that the women are going to do this. Unfortunately people do have one night stands, the question was regarding what you think of women that sleep with a man intending to get pregnant but the man has no knowledge of it.

Update 2:

It is stealing because they do not let the men know what they are doing. Yes everyone knows the consequences of sex, but in the cases where people lie about being on contraceptives then they are tricking someone in to something they are not aware of.

Update 3:

It isn't really about not using contraceptives though is it. In my view it is immoral to knowingly sleep with someone with the intent to become pregnant whilst being aware that they do not want a baby with you...yes not using contraceptives is very stupid for both sides, but I think it is very devious to become pregnant not knowing whether the man in question would want a baby or not.

Update 4:

I'm glad some people are beginning to understand the question, it is regarding a woman knowingly getting pregnant without the mans knowledge...not how naive it is to abandon contraceptives.

**No thumbs down from me btw, I appreciate all answers**

Update 5:

*Mum I still disagree that it is donating. Donating is giving something and intending for that something to be used for a particular purpose...I understand what you mean about everybody knows where sex leads and what it is intended for (I am pro life so I constantly use that argument when 'accidents' happen), but if a man were to trick a woman by pinning a hole in the condom it would be as though they are intruding on their uterus, every man has a right to know where his sperm goes and if he believes he is only having sex for pleasure and is convinced there are no strings attached then tricking him his pretty much awful.

(I'm glad to see people feel strongly about contraceptives and one night stands :) )

Update 6:

*I can see the difference thanks, what I was intonating is that if a woman tells a man she is on the pill then she is just as in the wrong...if he does not see the need to wear a condom (which yes he is stupid for) and has been convinced by someone that they are fully protected then it is the same, that is where I was trying to draw the paralel...not between not wearing a condom and pricking a hole in one, you misinterpreted that.

Update 7:

Yes but unfortunately it is all too common that people will just not use contraceptives, that is something that will continue regardless of what messages are put out there and to manipulate that situation knowing that you can is the epitomy of being devious.

Update 8:

Thanks Kalzebeth for answering on the issue at hand, people being tricked in to parenthood.

Update 9:

Sorry but not everyone who has sex chooses to have a baby, I wish it was as black and white as that but the fact of the matter is some people do not INTEND to, it is whether the intent is there or not...simply saying that you subliminally know that you may have a child is not the same as intent, if the intent is not there then you have been tricked.

Update 10:

*Mum, thats okay I really appreciate your input :) I did want different opinions on this, I just love to debate. Thanks for putting up a good argument, I can understand your's good to receive different views.

Update 11:

*Mummy to Joey:

Thanks for that, its difficult to try and convey that this isn't all about morals and what would happen in an ideal world...

13 Answers

  • MTJ
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I understand what you mean. In an ideal world it is both the woman's and mans decision whether or not they want to pro create - who gives a woman the right to trick a man in to fatherhood to feed her desire to have a child. Just because we have a uterus and are able to have a child with out the aid of a man really (artificial insemination) doesn't give us the god given right to decide who should be a father and who shouldn't. There would be up roar if a man decided to tell a woman that he had had the snip, only because he wanted her to have his baby.

    This 'debate' isn't about the use of condoms, if you read the question properly in the first place it is blatantly obvious.

  • Vicky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If someone has unprotected sex, as far as I'm concerned they are trying for a baby. Any man who believes the word of a complete stranger, ie I'm on the pill, is an idiot.

    Even women who are on the pill mess up miss pills, no man could ever be sure she's actually protected. Men have a responsibility to themselves to not get a woman pregnant unless they actually want a baby too.

    Any time they have unprotected sex (whether the girl is wanting a baby or not) they risk pregnancy, along with a lot of other things.

    The bottom line is, men like that don't care, they are happy to sleep with a woman once then never see her again. They know she could end up pregnant, it just doesn't bother them.

    They are using each other, they know they're using each other. Condoms can split the pill can fail. Every sexual encounter runs the risk of pregnancy. You can't trick a man into getting you pregnant unless he doesn't know how babies are made.

    To me its not tricking a man, he knows what he's doing. If a woman chooses to become pregnant this way, and raise the child as a single parent, then that's her choice. The guy had a choice too, he had sex and therefore chose to make a baby.

    Edit: If a man fails to realise that a woman may end up being pregnant from him having sex with her, then that man is a moron.

    The men that have these one night stands are the same men that if you ask "have you got any kids" they reply "none that I now about" then roll around laughing. They are not innocent victims, they just couldn't give a crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wouldn't life just be so much easier if everybody was abstinent until marriage and then stayed monogamous and loyal during marriage?

    The fact is that no form of birth control is 100% effective besides abstinence. You have sex, you always have a risk of getting yourself or someone else pregnant. That's something that everyone needs to know.

    Courts have found that it's equally wrong for men to lie about their STD's. Wasn't there recently a court case about that? 7 women got infected by a man with HIV, and 2 even died? He was sentenced to jail? I don't know. Yes, what he did was dishonest.

    I don't know if I would classify it as "stealing" though, for the mere fact that as the other posters have mentioned, the sex was consensual and you'd have to be a complete moron not to realize the fact that pregnancies are possible even with protection. I would probably more likely classify it as "lying". Just as bad.

    Kids deserve a mother and a father in their lives. Having a one night stand just to get pregnant because you have no other access to sperm is absolutely wrong. It's selfish. Yes, I think it would be horribly painful for a father to realize only years later that he was partly responsible for bringing life into the world without even knowing about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know someone who did exactly that. She was telling the men she was sleeping with that she was on the pill, although of course they should still have used condoms, men aren't as aware of STDs as they should be. She was actually in a relationship with a male friend of mine and had told him that she was on the pill, when I heard about her 'mission', I warned him off immediately. She does have a daughter now - but she doesn't know who the father is.

    On one hand, I'm thinking that men ought to be using condoms and it takes two to tango - on the other, lying about it is incredibly wrong and deliberately getting pregnant without the father's permission is totally wrong.

    What people like that really need to be thinking about is STDs. They may get a baby by the end of it, but they may end up with AIDS and an AIDS baby too. In addition to that, surely it's sensible to know the father and therefore have some insight into his family medical history? Parents ought to be prepared that there may be a chance their baby could genetically inherit asthma, diabetes, allergies etc.

    I have no objections if the father knows that she is trying to get pregnant and still choses to continue, but deception is never a good 'quality' in a new mother.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well I think it's kinda wrong on a few reasons One the risk Of getting an STD or Aids that's why women should use sperm banks and I don't think it's right to trick someone into getting you pregnant . I mean it does happen but to go out and say I'm gonna sleep with this guy get pregnant get child support and so on is just not right . Sure it happens and takes two but this is one tricky Question He He nothing like making me think early in the morning

  • Nina
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Although the desire for a baby is understandable, i still see that action as unethical

    Its really wrong to force someone to be a father even if he doesnt know that not even after 30 years

    What if the guys gets married later on and have kids, so his kids will have a brother or a sister somewhere in the world without anyone knowing

    Its just so unethical to do that, there are sperm banks like you said

    So guys from now on be careful where u ***

  • jigfam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stealing is taking something without the owner's permission - I would have thought that most men realise that the end product of sex is the exchange of bodily fluids. While I don't particularly agree with what these women are doing, the men must accept responsibility as well and if they don't want to be fathers then they need to wear condoms.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't help but think this almost a form of rape.

    Wouldn't the man also fall prey to be a "Baby's Daddy" without intent and possibly be subject to child support?

    I blame romantic comedies. They sell the idea that somehow, no matter how far-fetched and ridiculous the concept, everything will end with an upbeat tune and everyone will be happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, if the man doesn't use protection then it is his own fault, just as women who don't use anything and end up pregnant when they don't want to be.

    If they don't use protection they know full well what could happen so it is their own fault and would be technically classed as donating not stealing!

    It is immoral but it happens hence the reason more so for the contraception part!!

    *pricking a condom and not wearing one through choice is totally different!!! How can you not see that!!

    A man can choose to wear protection and avoid this situation altogether. Simple.

    Well they would be seriously nieve to believe that she was on the pill, anyone can lie about anything.

    I will agree to disagree as this could go on all day...

  • 1 decade ago

    wow so many opinions lol

    i think its wrong and imoral to deliberatly trick a man into inpregnanting you espcially if you plan to get them for money later on...

    but like one night stands happen. the poor guy may never know he has a baby....and thats sad,

    i think its wrong.

    men should be extra careful with condoms too but

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