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Lv 5

How do I stop my daughter throwing food on the floor?

My daughter is 20 months old, each time she finishes a meal she throws what is left over on the floor...she also does the same with food she does not like.

She started this as soon as she could feed herself and then stopped all of a sudden, over the past week she has started it again. At the moment I am telling her no, picking it up and showing her where it goes (the bin), but she just seems to find the whole process of me picking it up entertaining :).

So my question is, have you had this problem and how did you stop it? Or is it simply one of those things that you just have to ride out?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    I was going to ask exactly the same thing, lol! My daughter is 18 months and has been doing this for a few weeks now. If I don't whisk away the food the second she has finished she throws it everywhere. I have tried telling her it's naughty, getting her to help me clean it up and not giving her any dessert but she still does it! I will be reading the answers you get with interest!

  • 1 decade ago

    When my son would play with his food, it's because he was done eating. So it's sort of my own fault for leaving it around and letting him do it. But in the event he does throw it on the floor, I make him pick it up and throw it in the trash.

    It took a LOT of guidance on my end the first time we picked up his food off the floor. GOSH was he mad at me! But I had to do it because I was sick of the "game" he was playing.

    He's 2 yrs old and we still do this. If he throws it, he cleans it. And at 20 months, you have to do the same or she'll keep at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    she's actually old enough to get down and help you clean up the mess. Might deter her a bit. Now, obviously, she can't do much. But give her a towel to wipe up or have her help you scoop up the bigger pieces. She's not going to stop if you always do it for her. You will have to help her at first-put your hand over hers and do it with her. My daughter is 2 1/2 and sometimes still refuses to pick something up. I just take her hand and make her do it with me. It takes more work, but, it shows that she is responsible for her own messes. And the next time-she does it on her own. Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh man, mine throws it on the floor for the dog. We've had to put the dog outside while she eats.

    And if she still throws stuff I wait till shes done then make her help pick it up. She does it less when she has to clean up her mess. ;)

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  • 1 decade ago

    She gets a reaction from it. Oh look if I throw this on the floor mommy picks it. just leave it there till she is all done and out of her chair then have her help you pick it up. It is normal I think most kids do this.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's exactly the problem, it's entertaining. So as soon as she does it... say no, seriously. and tell her if she throws her food again you will take it away. And if she throws it again, take it away. Show her it upsets you.

    This is very normal.

    I agree with what robin p says too

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    She is not taking you seriously. Try being more stern and mean when you say no. Either that or get a dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    try giving her time outs

    or saying stop firmly

    or tap her hand..

    thats what i do to my niece she is 1 /2 years old

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