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Lv 7
gone asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Are any of you aware what is happening to the women of Afghanistan?


Holly I apologize for being behind.

For those who don't know and might care. Karzai their leader signed a horrendous law. This law states a woman cannot refuse her husband sex. She must preen and be positive about the encounter. She cannot refuse him unless she is able to prove she is sick. That she cannot leave her house without her husbands permission.

The reason I asked this question. Our government is dealing with Afghanistan. And am thinking of sending a letter to the First Lady about this issue.

Update 2:

Agreed there is much horror for women in many countries. So maybe the question should have read. What can be done to address these atrocities with more vigor?

For the women of these countries to revolt would mean certain death. And given their religious indoctrination I don't know they know how.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    But Feminists won't go there...

    I agree WG, but Afghanistan only appears in questions/responses on GWS whenever a question arises about WOMEN'S issues -- not necessarily about PEOPLE issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Funny thing about your observation. You have also failed to note the mass Rape of Women in Girls in Dafur, South Africa, and the Congo. Are we supposed to invade all of these Sovereign Nations and impose Western Feminism on them? As our attempts have worked so well in Iraq and now Afghanistan... hint it isn't working out that way. My sense is that you are outraged at this Law being passed. Afghanistan is an Ancient Conservative Moslem Nation that lies on the old Silk Highway.

    It was once a peaceful Buddhist Nation, until the Nephew of Genghis Khan, laid siege to it and erased its Buddhist past. Timur The Lame was the Mongol who converted to Islam who also laid siege to India. And slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Hindus.

    Change is going to come very slowly in that part of the World. President Obama is seeking to negotiate with a Moderate Taliban element. Like seeking to have a friendly meal with a Non Violent Great White Shark. Good luck on that Prez.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes we are aware, we are also aware that it is extremely difficult to interfere with an other country's traditions no matter how barbaric and even if we could, there would be no way to enforce them. Start a petition write a letter and more power to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we've all heard about it. But apparently the law is "under review," so it might not be an issue of contention much longer. And keep in mind that it would only affect Shia women, not all Afghan women.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but is a law that only effects a minority denomination of Shia Muslims, people who already held this belief to begin with.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but I guess complaining about being paid less, and having choices for unwanted pregnancy is more important than those insignificant problems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what they should really do is sign a law that says women can't defraud men into marrying them to steal all their assets. also it should be written into law that women have to pay for their own meals, drinks, trips, rent, etc since they claim to be so "strong and independent". america is tired of the lies feminists tell. debunks all the feminist nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In the age of the internet and iPhones, it's really not that hard to be aware of such things but it's really hard for me to influence the Afghanistani Constitution. So far they haven't sought my out my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago


    The denial of human basic rights is pretty deplorable.

    Humanity is not just a feminist issue KIA..come on now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am no more aware of what is happening to women in Afghanistan than I am aware of what is happening to our young men fighting in that God-forsaken hellhole.

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