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I need Ideas for a field trip?

I need to take my History of Rock Class on a field trip. I live in Southern California. I can go to Hollywood or some place like that but it has to do with Rock 'n' Roll in some way I need ideas for activity's not just places to go.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's plenty of good stuff on Sunset Blvd, like the Continental Hyatt and the Whisky a Go Go, as well as plenty of recording studios.

    If you want to plan an educational trip, there's a company named Explorica that can customize something for you. I've used them in the past for an American history tour, but they could probably help you customize something for California, or maybe even Ohio if you want to bring your class to the RRHF.

    Good luck!

  • 5 years ago

    In my school many of the disadvantaged kids go on all field trip such as the Discovery Musuem in towntown San Jose and the Monteray Bay Aquarium and also a good place would be IMAX theater!

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