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Lv 31,068 points

Amy B

Favorite Answers63%
  • youtube views on facebook?

    If someone watches a youtube video on facebook does it count as a view on youtube?

    3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • what is this song?!!!!?

    I have this song stuck in my head and I can't figure out what it is! These lyrics keep playing over and over in my head! "lets get out of cape cod, out of cap cod tonight." I do know that, that is part of the chorus if that helps at all. If you can figure it out I will love you forever!!!!!!!

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Good Underground Indi?

    I'm looking to expand my indi collection I'm always looking for more good stuff. So if you think you know some that I've never heard of let me know!

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Super Dry Skin After Drinking?

    So my skin can get dry every once in a while its not a big deal, but this morning when i woke up i had these big red dry patches on my skin, my skin is very pale so when it get red its Red! I couldn't figure out why out of the blue my skin would get so bad out of no where but then i thought about things happening in my life. I don't drink very often but three or four nights i got super drunk from whiskey. Could the drinking have caused my dry skin or because they happened several days apart are they completely unrelated?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What is the best Beach to use for a Party?

    My 18th Birthday is coming up on August 5th and I'm throwing a big beach bash. my guest list is around 55 people. What is the best beach in Southern CA to use for party purposes? please give reasons not just the name of the beach :D

    1 AnswerEntertaining1 decade ago
  • is there a way to put all facebook pictures into one spot?

    so is there a way I can put all my facebook pictures into one spot, pictures i've uploaded and pictures that people have tagged me in. Right now all the pictures I've uploaded are in a album and the ones I'm tagged in are just in photos of me but nit put into a album. some help please

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Nightwing Costume Help!!!!!!!!?

    So I'm going to a costume party and my friend needs a Nightwing costume, I already have my costume and I tolled him it would be easier just to be batman but he wants to be Nightwing. We are on a low budget. What I mainly need is the shirt we got the tight black pants and what not, so my main goal is to get a good night wing shirt. I've found some t-shirts with the logo but that's not what we want, we need the tight long sleeved nightwing shirt. Other ideas are welcomed but mostly the shirt! Please and Thank You!!!

    1 AnswerHalloween1 decade ago
  • how to move songs from my ipod to my itunes?

    so I found my old ipod for like 3 years ago. its has a bunch of old songs on it that I lost when my computer and now I'm super happy because I now have all that old music that I loved back again! but now I don't know how to move the music from my old ipod onto itunes so I can put it on my current ipod. I tried just dragging it from my ipod into itunes but it didn't work what can I do. also I don't know if it matters but I have a PC not a mac

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Singing on Beatles Rock Band?

    I just got Beatles rock band and I love singing but I don't know who to use star power. I read that people yell or make random sounds to use it but wont that mess up my singing if I yell in the middle of a phrase?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Sponge Rollers & Frizz What Should I Do?

    I love my sponge rollers I use them all the time I have shoulder length hair and when I roll my hair it gets very very short. When I roll my hair I always use moose in damp hair, and I sleep in them to get a very tight curl. I love it but my problem is that sometimes it gets very very frizzy. so my tight bouncy curls just look like complete frizz . how can I make my sponge roller curls less frizzy?

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • How do I make my legs look good?

    I have pale and I mean pale legs. I'm a pale person and its taken time but I have realized that I will never have that golden sun kissed glow. I've tried lodes of things that don't work, spray tans don't look to good on me, so I gave that up, I just burn I can't tan. What I want to know is how to make my pale skin look good. in the 40's and 50's girls wanted pale skin now its looked at as a bad thing can some one out there tell me how make my pale legs look good.

    17 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • where can i buy a fake mustache?

    where can i buy a fake mustache, I don't want to order it online I need it today. I just want to go to a store and buy it. A common store would be nice so it doesn't matter where I am but if you know a good local place I live in LA County Thanks!

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I need Ideas for a field trip?

    I need to take my History of Rock Class on a field trip. I live in Southern California. I can go to Hollywood or some place like that but it has to do with Rock 'n' Roll in some way I need ideas for activity's not just places to go.

    2 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Ideas as for a field trip?

    I need to take my History of Rock class on a field trip. I'm in Southern California. I can go to Hollywood or some place like that but I need actual things to do and they have to do with Rock n' Roll in some way.

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • I need a good song for my voice calss?

    I'm in a voice class and I have to pic a song to sing, I am an alto and I cant stand anything too slow but it needs to have a good melody that's not to monotonous thanks!

    6 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • I need sheet sheet music?

    where can I buy Regina Spektor sheet I'm looking specifically for the song "music box"

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • Did the Beatles write Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da?

    I was wondering did the Beatles write the song Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da or did they cover the song from someone else

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • can you make pictures overlap on Microsoft word?

    I'm making a collage of pictures with Microsoft word is there to make pictures overlap other pictures?

    12 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I get rid of bruises on my face?

    I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. The swelling has finally started to go down but now I'm left with these huge green bruises all over my very pale face. I have to go back to school where I will be teezed but I don't want to put 30 pounds of make up on how can I get rid of theme?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago