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How can I get rid of bruises on my face?

I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. The swelling has finally started to go down but now I'm left with these huge green bruises all over my very pale face. I have to go back to school where I will be teezed but I don't want to put 30 pounds of make up on how can I get rid of theme?


Where I live the coldest it will ever get is 60 the most I ever need is a light sweater

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A bruise results from blood being leaked into tissue by an injury, etc. To prevent a bruise immediately after injury, apply ice, but to help remove a bruise you apply a warm cloth to speed up the dispersal of blood from the area.

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter just went through the same thing. Keep using the ice packs that they doctor gave you. The bruising is pretty much there and time is what it needs to go away but the ice will help. Do you live someplace cold? A cute scarf wrapped up around your neck and pulled up just a bit to hide the bruising would work.

  • 6 years ago


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