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Nightwing Costume Help!!!!!!!!?

So I'm going to a costume party and my friend needs a Nightwing costume, I already have my costume and I tolled him it would be easier just to be batman but he wants to be Nightwing. We are on a low budget. What I mainly need is the shirt we got the tight black pants and what not, so my main goal is to get a good night wing shirt. I've found some t-shirts with the logo but that's not what we want, we need the tight long sleeved nightwing shirt. Other ideas are welcomed but mostly the shirt! Please and Thank You!!!

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    look up zentai on ebay they have good spandex costumes, and are not too expensive.

    And get some fabric painat at jo-ane's fabrics or wal mart and paint the design on.

    Kudos on him being nightwign by the way, are you going to be huntress?

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