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How do I make my legs look good?

I have pale and I mean pale legs. I'm a pale person and its taken time but I have realized that I will never have that golden sun kissed glow. I've tried lodes of things that don't work, spray tans don't look to good on me, so I gave that up, I just burn I can't tan. What I want to know is how to make my pale skin look good. in the 40's and 50's girls wanted pale skin now its looked at as a bad thing can some one out there tell me how make my pale legs look good.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Flaunt them. Wear them with a light pink or blue skirt. Alot of pale people like to try and tan but that is not good for the skin. It can cause skin cancer. Or if you want you can be one of the stupid girls that put cooking oil on their legs. Oh and if you still really want a tan try a mixture of tanning oil and baby oil on your legs.

    Source(s): My brain
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the other answerering people, and yet with a twist. There is a difference between pasty skin and skin that is pale or fair skinned. Skin quality is better. If you are eating right and also if you exercise your legs (deadlifts are a good exercise, squats may be bad for your knees). Muscular legs that are fed by women who don’t starve themselves (anorexia makes you less beautiful when it comes down to it) and also have good nutrition and thus good skin quality can look sexy, no matter their skin color. This is what really matters, not how tan they are. Some men are very attracted to red-haired women in particular, and do not think about things such as tan legs. I wouldn’t mind at all if a girl had white-skin colored legs (less tan lines!) as long as you did the above. Some men are attracted to fair skinned women. They are not a detractor in the first place, it all comes down to how they look tone, nutritional, and health-wise. People who don’t get out in the sun for at least some time (less time for you, more time with sun-tan lotion) may also have unattractive pastyness, maybe that’s why tan legs supposedly look good to begin with.

    Also, don’t listen to these people! The sun, which God put in the sky, is not bad for your skin. If you burn yourself it is bad, and if you use suntan lotions that have cancerous chemicals (most of them do) and vitamin-D rich sunlight blocking ingredients (Vitamin D helps kill skin cancer) lotion (which God didn’t make, but is useful if you use a natural sun tan lotion) gives you cancer. Also, if you eat chips and other processed foods that are made or cooked with vegetable oils that are full of omega-6’s, when the sunlight hits your skin, then the damage is caused. If it isn’t saturated fat on the nutrition information, and there’s total fadoes'nt’s probably unhealthy omega-6’s. Eat butter when you want to, saturated fat is okay, whole milk, and don’t avoid fat. Fat doesn’t make you fat, over-indulgence in sugar and carbohydrates do. Though fat on meat gathers antibiotics and hormones. Eat meat from grass-fed cows.

    But remember you want a guy that is attracted to you and your personality. When you are yourself and don’t try to be anything, thdoes'nt what they are really attracted to – not just me. You don’t need to show offdoesnt legs to get a guy’s attention. And that doesn’t get the attention that you really want. Sexual lust is necessary, but it doesn’t get him interested in your beauty and most importantly the beauty of your spirit and personality. That’s what get a men to marry women and produce a love that lasts for a lifetime. Christian women understand this and under the truth of God they get what they truly want. That they are sexually attracted, obviously, will happen and is wise in the confines of marriage. But you don’t want to have sex with one guy and then have sex with many guy’s who don’t really love you. You should seek this knowledge as well and ask some GOOD Christian women you can find about this.

    I wish you luck, great question. Research some of the stuff I told you if you wish to verify it.

    Source(s): health sites, wisdom, exercise, testimonies.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I recommend these products:

    PS: I use the Nivea Sunkissed Legs product a while back. I don't really like tanning because of the whole sun damage, wrinkles, etc. but my legs were really pale and I had to attend a wedding. The product worked great and my legs looked good :)


  • 1 decade ago

    I am extremely pale myself. When I wear shorts, people often exclaim that I am so white, my legs glow. I have learned to embrace my paleness, and if people don't like it, they can deal with it. I would suggest though, if you plan on showing off your legs, don't wear colors that would make them look more pale, i.e. dark colors. I've found that beige works really well. It's boring, I know, but it works.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many times beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, don't be

    so hard on yourself, tanning looks great on some people

    and what you are fighting with looks great on others and by

    the way you describe your problem I believe you are of the

    latter type. Feel good that you are healthy and know for

    this reason you are fine and you look great.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love a woman in stockings / pantyhose . that is so hot looking . Try a darker tone than your leg color . It will improve the appearance of your legs big time .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    actually pale is back in style. white legs are so hot its not even funny. youre going to have super hot legs when your 40 and everyone else is going to have skin cancer and age spots.

    i wouldnt change your legs at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a man I can honestly tell you- your pale legs may be outrageously beautiful. Shape matters more... if ya got curve, baby that's all you need!

  • 1 decade ago


    im 18 years old and pale.

    i get people asking me if im ok or ill, and im like yea im fine why?

    they say you look really pale!


    its wizzes me of! so i know how you feel to be pale trust me its annoying!

    but tbh when i go out over toen and stuff i love my legs, all the girls have these orange or black legs, they look so stupid! show your pale legs of, wear darker cols to show them of a bit more!

    trust me pale is so in !! my fella loves it! and a load other men like pale!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hmmmm... if you can't actually tan and spray or rub on tan doesn't work then you are SOL :( . Maybe try wearing tights or leggings or something that will keep them covered if you are that uncomfortable with them.

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