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how to move songs from my ipod to my itunes?

so I found my old ipod for like 3 years ago. its has a bunch of old songs on it that I lost when my computer and now I'm super happy because I now have all that old music that I loved back again! but now I don't know how to move the music from my old ipod onto itunes so I can put it on my current ipod. I tried just dragging it from my ipod into itunes but it didn't work what can I do. also I don't know if it matters but I have a PC not a mac

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most convenient and secure way is to use this popular iPod to iTunes transfer program called iPod rip

    It's for PC. Many of my friends recommended it to me when I needed to transfer all my songs, videos, playlists, photos podcasts etc. from my iPod to my iTunes.

    With just a few simple clicks, it will help you transfer all songs/videos and other files from iPod to iTunes as well as from iPod to your selected folder on your computer.

    More importantly, this won't overwrite any original files on your iPod. And all song names and playlists are preserved.

    Hope this can help.

    You can also search more others at

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look up Suneti.

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