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Amy B asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

Sponge Rollers & Frizz What Should I Do?

I love my sponge rollers I use them all the time I have shoulder length hair and when I roll my hair it gets very very short. When I roll my hair I always use moose in damp hair, and I sleep in them to get a very tight curl. I love it but my problem is that sometimes it gets very very frizzy. so my tight bouncy curls just look like complete frizz . how can I make my sponge roller curls less frizzy?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Easy fix - Dippity Doo Setting Gel

    It isn't sticky like mousse and it makes your hair shine. Just don't use too much or too little. If you can't find Dippity Doo, go look for a clear green setting gel - maybe you can find it at a beauty supply store or look in the black hair section at the drug store. Black hair products - careful it's gel and not grease.

    I grew up with sponge rollers and Dippity Doo is good stuff for these type of rollers. I know you like sponge rollers because you get a tighter curl and they don't hurt your head when you sleep in them. Me too!

    Hope this helps. =)

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