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Super Dry Skin After Drinking?

So my skin can get dry every once in a while its not a big deal, but this morning when i woke up i had these big red dry patches on my skin, my skin is very pale so when it get red its Red! I couldn't figure out why out of the blue my skin would get so bad out of no where but then i thought about things happening in my life. I don't drink very often but three or four nights i got super drunk from whiskey. Could the drinking have caused my dry skin or because they happened several days apart are they completely unrelated?


that link didn't work

Update 2:

I understand that drinking can cause dehydration which can lead to dry skin, but my question was do you think the dry skin was caused by drinking, or do you think it was because of an out side source because the drinking and the dry skin where so far apart

1 Answer

  • Kaye
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drinking causes dehydration thus when you wake up in the morning with an outrageous hangover you also have to worry about dry skin.

    The best solution is to mix it up when you drink. One alcoholic beverage then one glass of water. I also recommend lots of moisturizer on nights you drink. This will help a lot in the morning.

    * Maybe the wording of my answer was confusing, sorry.

    I do think outside sources COULD have been a factor. They can always been a factor but three or four nights of successive or reasonably successive drinking would be enough to dry out the oiliest of skin. So yes I do personally think the drinking was the primary factor for the dry skin as it has personally happened to me before when I was in college and drank frequently.

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