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Is anyone as pissed as me that Coach didn't....?

get voted out of Survivor?? What is wrong with those that agreed to vote him out and didn't!! Stupid people!!! I can't remember exactly, but I think at least Taj and Stephen didn't go the way they were supposed to. maybe even JT. DUMMIES!!!!!


I can't stand Tyson either. I read about 8 of my answers. You all are right... it will be hard to pick a best answer. The ones who didn't stick with voting Coach out will be sorry... if him and Tyson end up being in the final 4, I will crap! I sometimes wonder why I watch... it is the ONLY show I watch and when I get mad I wonder why I do it!

Update 2:

Again, I sure hope that Tyson or Coach don't win!! Hate getting so emotional about a stupid TV show, but, here I am! My real favorite is JT and I don't even have him as my person in my Survivor pool!!!

Update 3:

Also, glad that some people still watch Survivor. As I said it is the only show I watch and I have so many people tell me how lame that show is... sorry, but I like it!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Coach is a scumbag and I am so sick and tired of his dragon slayer BS and all his droning on and on about his worldly life or death adventures. I hate his cocky 'I'm better than you' attitude. 5, 6, 7 or 8 life or death situations...maybe he will be like a cat and his 9th will finally be the one.

    Tyson is just as sleazy as Coach but a different kind of sleaze.

    Source(s): Survivor is the only reality show I watch.
  • Jacoby
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think it was a stupid move on Taj's part to vote for Brendan. Taj has made tons of dumb moves all game. Losing the idol twice (Giving it to Stephen and leaving it where JT found it). She killed her alliance.

    I think Coach is full of crap but I comparehim to Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carrabien. Coach was a champion kayaker and was bitten by a piranah and I think his profile had something about a shark encounter. Alot of is stories (Being captured) are full of crap but some may actually have some truth in em

    Stephen had the allience w/JT, Tyson, Coach and Debrah and him and JT felt that alliance was better than the one w/Brendan

    Tyson seems a lock for the final 4 and coach has a chance for the final. Think about it. It's a final 2 this season. Say it comes down to Tyson, Coach and Anyone else. If coach doesn't win and automatically get in to the Final 2 the person with immunity (Say Tyson) would vote and that vote would deciede it. Anyone would take Coach because no one on the jury would vote for him. Coach can't win

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh man! I am so mad that Coach did not get voted off! That guy is so annoying and obviously a HUGE liar. Who believes his crap.

    The only thing that I can think of is that Taj, Stephen and JT are just letting the other tribe get rid of each other so that they can take over in the end. JT knows that Coach is full of it so I think he's just riding along until they can make their own move. It's a good idea, but I just wish that they had gotten rid of that idiot finally!

    Source(s): I agree-Tyson is so strange! I can't stand that guy either. Hopefully Tyson and Coach don't end up in the finals.
  • 1 decade ago

    OMG I was so hoping that stupid dragonslayer would be leaving the show tonight. ...they're going to be sorry they didn't vote him out. from what i could tell JT, erin and taj voted for sierra and debbie, tyson, coach and steven voted for brandon. it's going to come back and bite JT, taj and steven in the a** cause if coach and tyson get their way, they will be the last two standing. I can't stand either of them. sierra will go next week.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't stand the guy either.He is so full of lies.Surviving a Hurricane?I have been through 3 living in the southeastern US and nothing to it if your a little ways from the water.

    Have to admit though, the producers set "us" all up tonight with the editing.Especially after the first two votes were for coach.Good work by them.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's piece of **** that Branden voted off. He was my favorite player. Everybody in this world are ******* hate coach. Coach is the most stupid and selfish and self centered person on this planet. He could of be eliminate already.

  • Emma
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I hate Coach! Why are they keeping this lunatic in the game???? I'm so disappointed that I'm on the verge of never watching Survivor again.... but I haven't made up my mind yet.... :)

    Nancy, they voted off Brendan. He didn't play the idol and left with it in his pocket!!! AHH!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I'm very pissed. I try not to get all wrapped up in these shows emotionally, but the fact that Coach wasn't voted off and had that hideous smug smirk on his face at the end, made me want to vomit.

  • Jill S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I like Survivor too..I can't stand Coach-he's creepy and I swear a pathological liar. I don't understand how he made it this far-if he wins I swear I will protest Survivor!!! lol :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! I wanted Brendan or Sierra to win, I hate Coach, and to see exactly the opposite of what I was hoping for to happen is driving me insane!!!!

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