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People with disabilities only! Do you believe you get enough resources and services from the Government?

I want to know it your satisfied with all the resources provided to you already and if not please explain

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    No, I do not feel I get enough resources and services from the Government. For one thing, where I live at, Medicaid will not pay for regular dental care for adult people that are on Medicaid.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a person on Disability, I must say I'm NOT-AT-ALL happy with the way the system is currently running. With our government sending troops over-seas to wars they may, or may not be able to win, a person would think the money could be better spent helping the disabled citizens of this country. Well, I say it's about blumin' time for a new system to be put in place. I myself have been on Disability for just a few years now, and I don't mind telling you, I could surely use some more help than I'm currently getting now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for the most part yes. I'm very happy with the services I have, not always happy with the hoops that need to be jumped though to get those services but there needs to be some regulation I suppose.

    Our public transport is pretty lousy. If I didn't have a car in this city I would be screwed. There is a $5 transport for wheelchairs and physically disabled but I've seen people wait over an hour at the hospital for their ride home.

    For me to get home from school on public transport takes almost 2 hours and I live a 15 minute drive away. I have to take 2 to 4 buses which for someone with a hard time walking is difficult.

    Another sore spot for me is how I have to rely so heavily on charity. I live in Canada where we have universal health care but my province offers no coverage for mobility aids. I realize that my government cannot afford to dish out the 20-50 thousand dollar prosthetic knees cost. I need a prosthetic leg in order to lead the life I do, it allows me to be mobile and enter the work force with ease. With out my leg I would be limited in what sort of jobs I could do. They will offer assistance for people on social assistance but that means your limited in what work you can do. so it's really a catch 22 situation. either work and get no government help or get help but not be able to work beyond the regulations.

    I would really like to see some assistance offered in the future. I think it would help everyone out in the long run. if a little help was offered to people I think that would give people the chance to get off assistance.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    As someone with disability subject concerns, my own opinion is...No, we don't get very nearly sufficient interest. With very very nearly all components going distant places in direction of militia conflicts, the U. S. government has finished a a ways below sufficient interest of assisting us. i'd desire to intricate on all that, yet i surely do no longer want to start some thing i could, or could no longer, have the capacity to end.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not happy with my local fixed route public transit network. I need it to get around because I have epilepsy. I cannot drive.

    But the 'drivers' take breaks on 'in service' buses, leaving myself and other passengers stranded.

    Lacking the ability to drive private cars, I and other passengers must wait until they decide to come back and start driving again. It is time/resource wasting and ridiculous.

    But other than that, I am very much happy in my current situation.

  • Well, 15 yrs ago when my son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, global developmental delays and speech delay, not a single person... no doctors who examined him, no specialists who tried to find out what the heck happened to him... told me that there was such a thing as spec ed in the public school system starting at age 3. I found out on my own after desperately searching for SOME kind of intervention for him. I happened to find out right after he turned 3 but it was too late for the Birth - 3 programs that were offered.

    And don't get me started on SSI. Other than that, I'm just taking care of him on my own. I may be on those 10 yr waiting lists but I could care less about them. I'll just take care of him myself.

    and yes, I took excellent care of myself when I was pregnant. my 2nd kiddo turned out great. so i still have no idea why... in my early 20s.. my kid turned out like he did.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO...jumping through hoops every step of the way..

    my boy friend is on L&I from on the job injury and will never work again...the foot dragging of L&I is horrendous and frustrating, going on 3 yrs of creeping along pretending to help...or them forgetting to process the paperwork and forgetting to send the time loss payment we need to live on- which they did in dec...

    when or where is the promised re training ever going to happen?? when or where is the needed medical treatment that should have been done when the on the job injury occured going to happen?

    I have had problems for years from PTSD, social anxiety, etc. and they want documentation when I have fought with agencies for years and been refused/turned away/ excuses of would a person think of documenting refusal of help??

    I don't have the $20 co-pay for basic health to go to the DR to get the documentation...

    suffering for years and years with arthritis...they want documentation...I take an over the counter and stay warm!!

    have tried to get help/ re training from DVR and employment dept...both agencies had the resume classes and the job search classes...over and over and over again...wasting many times does a person redo a resume for things you are physically unable to do, and still can not get re training for something you can? the waste of time classes that can be done at home on my own computer... it validates their pitiful little jobs but does nothing for me...

    a person does not run to the DR for every little ache and pain when they have no money for food and rent!

    things are very tight because of the L&I does not cover but the basics so we applied for food stamps...L&I is not considered "an income" for deductions?? legal and medical bills that are a "must pay" are not a deduction...we are trying to survive on $2,000 a month for everything which sounds like alot, but after the rent and all the bills, gas, insurance we are still not there and there is no grocery $ credit cards, no cable, we are vegetarian...and we can not get foods stamps??!!

    I was able to get basic health which covers nothing, had to do the dental on our own. suffering for 10 years with 30 year old dentures and my remaining 8 teeth had to come choice...only had a few left on the bottom... that medical bill is not considered a deduction for food stamps!!?? they will not cover dental and will not allow it as a deduction???insulting and stupid...

    tried to apply for energy assistance, read in the paper that they received x amount of grant money so x number of house holds needed to apply for the help... was turned away, "we are not taking applications for energy assistance" ...even the power company informed us to apply for energy assistance!!!

    the telephone assistance program for basic phone...the fool lady that I talked to tried to tell me that I needed to have a credit card and that the phone service needed to be disconnected and re connected to use the phone assistance program voucher....very wrong!!

    they want tons of paperwork and private information and then will refuse to help!!! "do you have a substance abuse problem" was applying for foods stamps and did not catch what she was asking... I drink coffee a lot....that was not what she was asking and I am a grandmother that did not take such a question very nicely...

    trying to get any type of help that is out there and "they" claim is available is the biggest joke and disappointment possible to those of us who need some help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    a. People are forced to living in nursing homes and groups homes because too many dollars are designated for institutional care and not enough for in home car.

    b. SSI/ Medicaid does not provide preventative care.

    c. SSI/ Medicaid reimbursements levels are so bad most doctors refuse to accept it. Nearly all dentists refuse it.

    d. SSDI/ Medicare requires that people use up their savings before many services are available to them.

    e. National health should be the norm in a nation such as the US - people should never be forced to choose between paying their rent and getting medical care.

    f. Programs such as Ticket to Work should meet the needs of people with disabilities and consider part-time employment the only achievable goal.

    g. You should not have to be and remain impoverished to receive disability benefits.

    h. The ADA should be a law that requires that people who fail to uphold it are fined.

    i. Inclusive education needs to be prioritized with funding of education. No child should have to travel further than their neighborhood school to get the education they need to be successful adults.

    j. Mass transportation system should be 100% accessible to people with disabilities. There should be fines whenever a bus driver passes up a disabled passenger, doesn't know how to use the lift, or fails to tie wheelchair down so that the ride is safe.

    m. US airlines should be required to have accessible restrooms available to passengers. People who are morbidly obese (not simply obese or fat) should get a second seat free as a disability accommodation. Airlines should be fined more heavily when they refuse service to people with disabilities - now what they are fined is a slap on the wrist.

    n. Toys designed for children with disabilities are outrageously expensive. They often can be purchased only as therapy aids. If they are therapy aids than medicaid should pay for them. The cost is more than most parents can pay.

    o. There should be more control over the cost of prescriptions. It is ludicrous that I can take a prescription across the border to Canada and get exactly the same product for 1/2 of the price.

    q. The FDA has too much regulation over medical procedures that are used commonplace in other countries but are not allowed in the US. If we allow tobacco to be sold without much of any regulation at all and it is a known carcinogen - why don't we allow experimental cancer treatments for people with a death sentence hanging over their head anyway?

    r. The government is requiring that pregnant women get disability screening tests, but they do not require that they get information about the reality of life with those disabilities from people with first-hand information - parents & adults wth those disabilities

    s. The US has the opportunity to sign a UN Declaration of the rights of people with disabilities and has not done so. Its claim is that the law is redundant given US laws, but it is not redundant to sign it as a support of demanding people with disabilities the world over get their basic human rights.

    I'd add more, but I have to go.....

  • 1 decade ago

    no, and it definitely doesn't help that it's difficult for me to get a job. It's not enough there are no jobs for non disabled people, but who's gonna hire me now..

    Plus, I do not even have any idea on where I would go for help, for information. I think I'll end up living at my parents forever at this rate.

    awesome times.

    Source(s): my head
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no i am not . i have to take medicine and at certain time i have to pay full price because my insurance will not pay . witch takes up more then have of my check . i would be glad if i could get $2,000 in my check or maybe $2,500

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