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How come there are so many people upset because of President Obama and President Cheves handshake?


To Lynn C >>> How can you sit up and say who I'am and what I've been taught by somebody ??? I'm going on what I've experienced through out my life . So you or nobody else can mislead me like Bush mislead a lot of you straight into Iraq with his garbage and people like you was the very ones who fell for his bull$hit story !!!

Update 2:


21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    President Obama is not a hateful, callous, cold-blooded, or evil person. He believes in "taking the high road", being willing to work with others, not against them. He is about people and nations coming together and working for common causes and for the common good, not continue to be divided.

    Either people want him to reverse Bush policies or they don't. They cannot have it both ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    "What we showed here is that we can make progress when we're willing to break free from some of the stale debates and old ideologies that have dominated and distorted the debate in this hemisphere for far too long,"

    If they can't wrap their little minds around that then perhaps a more simple explanation will do. Pretend you and your enemy want to make peace. You first have to start by being civil with each other....which is what President Obama is trying to do.

    He didn't say that making peace with our enemies will make this nation less safe....some people really need to take reading lessons again. He said that reaching out to our enemies strengthens the U.S.....and he is right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because a significant percentage of the American people are furious that Pres. Obama constantly criticizes the American citizen and he United States on the world stage. What he should be doing is criticizing the the majority of politicians (both parties) who have sold out to special interests and no longer represent the American voter. We, the public, have done nothing wrong. So, stop blaming us, Mr. President.

    Source(s): my thought
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Chavez actually likes Barack Obama. Obama realizes war is not the answer, and diplomacy goes a long way. I imagine most of these people get all their news from FOX or Rush Limbaugh.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe you are asking that question, but again, you can't be blamed because you are a product of government schooling and do not understand that Marxist Socialism is evil and oppressive. Regardless of what you've been taught, the majority of Americans are freedom loving peole who believe in a free market system and do not think the government has any business in their private lives. Cheves is a dictator in a country where people who protest against him are jailed for years. We think Obama wants the same thing for Americans who protest against him and when the see him get chummy with another Marxist, we Americans get very upset. Appearances count.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A lot of people see the world in black and white and can't see the shades for gray. It is not their fault, it is just the way they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Either Barry has no clue that he is sidling up to despots bent on destroy America, in which case he looks like a fool, or he's playing up to dictators he feels have the kind of policies & actions he wants the US to emulate. In either case people realize it's wrong for America.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not upset in the least. Think of all the business opportunities.

    Fascist warmongers are upset with the reallocation of military expansion funds (taken from taxpayers) into the free market sector where returns exist.

    Edit: Dr. phil... Are you aware of US oil contracts with Venezuela? That US oil companies process in fact all Venezuelan crude at profits from both countries? That this has gone on throughout the Bush administration? Sorry that Bush such is a traitor.

    Edit2: Vajradha... Are you aware that Venezuela is allied with Russia? That Russia is anti-terrorism? What "terrorist" organization exists in Venezuela? Once you cannot identify, please go away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see! Hugo Chavez HATES America and its policys! So for Sotero to shake hands is akin to siding with the enemy!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Barry is showing his true roots & the pre-election blinders have come off. Many, for the first time, are seeing this socialist man actually able to carry out his socialist plans.

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