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If you are right about man-caused climate change being a hoax, there's no downside. But what if you're WRONG?

We've reduced some types of air- and water- pollution simply by changing some types of human activity: taking lead out of gas and paint, no toxic dumping into waterways, cleaning up Love Canal, installing 'scrubbers' in industrial smokestacks, etc.

That's Mankind reducing Mankind's effects on Nature.

How can 30 billion tons of CO2 and SO2 spewed ANNUALLY into the atmosphere from cars, power plants, slash-and-burn farming, etc. NOT going to affect global climate?...

Stand up, admit your part, do your share, do the right thing, move on = change or DIE.


12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've asked this same thing many times, and it seems like most of the people who refuse to believe in climate change are completely hung up on their hatred of Al Gore and not smart enough to separate the message from the messenger.

    The other part they seem to miss is that we will all save money while saving the planet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well that's the big what if, isn't it- I'm not willing to take a chance particularly since the majority of its' proponents are not crazed, Eco warriors but some of the most intelligent, rational people on earth- scientists. Of course the name Al Gore comes up frequently- so I suppose this makes Rush Limbaugh, a man with a high school education, a planetary expert by default? In any case, the earth will no doubt continue quite nicely without us. Sadly the only ones remaining to represent our species in the cosmos might just be those who could afford their own self sustaining, Eco domes- how tragically ironic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pharmaceuticals corporate contamination and pollutants are clearly bad for humans but as for the climate I beg to differ. Al Gore had a strong impact on the democratic movement so that might be a reason why this administration have not taken a look at the new figures.

  • DOOM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In the conservation game, I'm already way ahead of Al Gore, Arianna Huffington, and President Obama. All three fly on private jets while telling me to conserve energy.

    It would help your cause a lot if they would practice their own advice.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We should all give up our cars and set our thermostats high too, right?

    I'll admit...I'm not going to change anything, I am content with my level of emissions. If you wanna change to feel like a world savior, feel free.

    I'm hoping the climate changes so there will be vacation resorts everywhere.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Change or Die" ?? Get over yourself dude.

    Technology assures we're on a path to cleaning up our act. Limited resources demands we continue that technological advance.

    What you can't do is leverage everyone out of their competitive edge by imposing strict domestic laws in a global market. All that does is push our companies out of the market -- that's less money for us -- less money to use for R&D -- less money to develop products the market demands like clean energy, cleaner burning fuels, cleaner cars.

    As for ag practices you mentioned -- doesn't happen anymore. Those images are from the same days as the black smoke puffing stacks only found in China today.

    AGW is a scam

    Climate change is real...the climate does in fact change -- ALWAYS!

  • 1 decade ago

    The earth will take care of itself, it will be thriving with new species billions of years after the last man has died.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no part; people didn't create a problem because there is no problem. And the "change or die" thing is pure nonsense.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the real solution is in atmospheric scrubbers....

    able to remove heavies from the atmosphere. eventually that will be what it becomes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Doesn't look like you ride a bike to work.

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