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What happened on the Biggest Loser last night?

I missed the whole episode. Can someone fill me in?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Following the elimination of Laura the previous week, Tara is grieving over the loss of her partner, and she blames Jillian for telling Mike to vote Laura off. Jillian confronts her, claiming that Laura needed to go home to recover from her injury and tells Tara to stop being selfish. Meanwhile, Bob talks with Kristin, trying to reassure her after the close vote. Kristin comes to the realization that she deserves to win, and she claims that she was afraid to express this for fear of getting the dream pulled away from her. The contestants are called to a challenge where they answer questions provided by Good Housekeeping. The prize is a trip to New York City. The competition comes down to Kristin and Mike with a tiebreaker based on who can guess the number of calories in a fried fish sandwich without going over. Mike wins the tiebreak by guessing within 5 calories of the correct number of 640. In the second challenge, the contestants are suspended from platforms 45 feet above the air. Each player is given a rope which is attached to a pulley holding their platform in the air. If the contestant lets go, their platform falls and they are out. Mike drops out first due to his fear of heights. Filipe tries to break the concentration of the others by talking smack and shaking the rig that is supporting them, but in the end he drops out. The competition comes down to Helen and Tara, and despite Helen trying to bribe Tara, Tara wins her third straight challenge. The prize is either a one pound advantage at the weigh-in or a $10,000 cash prize. Allison tells Tara she has until the weigh-in to decide.

    During the last chance workout, both Bob and Jillian work their players to exhaustion, hoping to get them into the final five. During Jillian's workout, Mike becomes frustrated, and he punches the treadmill. Jillian claims that Mike's anger stems from his anger at always being the fat kid and that he has some issues to work out. Jillian tries to get Mike to admit that he is mad at his father for leading him and his brother down an unhealthy path. Mike claims that it was his fault for making the unhealthy decisions, but he agrees to talk to his father about the issue. During the confrontation, Ron admits that he played a role in Mike and his brother's weight problems, and that Mike has every right to be angry at him. Both father and son state that they will stay committed to losing weight and becoming healthy.

    At the weigh in, Allison asks Tara whether she will take the one pound advantage or the $10,000 dollars. Tara elects to take the money, saying that she is confident in the work she has done this week. As she mounts the scale, she is given the choice to rescind her $10,000 choice and take the 1 pound advantage, and again, she declines. Her hard work pays off, and she loses 5 pounds. Ron weighs in next, hoping to finally get under 300 pounds, a weight he has not been at since he was a young teenager. Ron loses four pounds and reaches his goal, reaching 298 pounds. Mike weighs in and loses 8 pounds. Helen loses one pound and is distraught as she worked so hard this week. Filipe weighs in and has to lose more than three pounds to be safe. Filipe misses the mark by losing three pounds. Kristin is the last to weigh in, and Allison tells her she only has to lose three pounds to be safe. However, she gains one pound, and she and Helen fall below the yellow line.

    After both Kristin and Helen plead their cases, Kristin asks to speak privately with Ron to make sure that he will keep his promise of never putting her name down at an elimination. Ron tells her he will hold to the promise he made to her and her mom and help her make it to the end. Kristin asks Ron to speak to Mike for her, since she needs three votes to be able to stay, since she has the least amount of weight loss. Ron says he will do so but says he might not be able to sway Mike. In a double-cross, Ron actually tells Mike to vote for Kristin so that she will go home since she is the biggest threat. He tells Mike to make sure that Tara is on the same page as him. Mike finishes the conversation by asking whether Ron would be OK with Mike voting for Kristin. Ron replies "yeah". Ron keeps his 'promise' to Kristin and votes for Helen. With 2 votes for Helen and one for Kristin, it came down to Mike who said he was at the ranch for himself. He votes for Kristin, making it a tie and sending Kristin home. Kristin is suspicious of the way the vote turned out, and she claims that there are no coincidences at the house. She tells Mike he 'took the easy way out'. Allison asks Ron whether he knew how Mike would vote, and Ron claims that he had no prior knowledge. Before Kristin leaves, Allison asks Mike if he thinks he can win the competition now. Both Mike and Ron state that Mike will win. Shots of Filipe and Tara show that they are not impressed by Mike's overconfidence.

    Twenty-four hours later, Kristin is shown driving back to her hometown. As she arrives back

  • 1 decade ago

    Tara won the challenge - she was offered either $10,000 or a one pound advantage. She was the first player to take the money - she said she believed in herself and that she would make it above the yellow line, which she did. Helen and Kristin were the bottom two - Helen lost one pound and Kristin gained one. Mike lost 8 pounds, Fillipe lost 3 I think, and Ron lost 4.

    Filipe and Ron voted for Helen and Mike and Tara voted for Kristin so it was a tie - Kristin went home because she had the lowest percentage lost.

    Before the elimination Ron told Kristin he would do whatever he could to keep her there since he promised her mother he would - so he said he would talk Mike into voting for Helen. Then he went back to his room and told Mike to vote for Kristin since she was his biggest competition. He didn't think the cameras could hear him.

  • 1 decade ago

    crazy episode the bottom 2 were kristin and helen. kristen gained a pound and helen only lost like 1 or 2 pounds t think. and so ron (that homo) said that he would vote helen off BUT he told mike (that homo) to vote kristin off. so mike n tara voted kristin and filipe and ron voted helen. it was a tie and kristin went home for having the lowest percentage weight loss. after she said that nothing happens by mistake stating that she knew that ron had something to do with it. and mike hunt with a cocky attitude says in front of everyone that hes gonna win it and ron says mike is gonna win this thing. revealing there true colors to helen tara and filipe.

  • 1 decade ago

    fat people lost wieght.. DUH

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