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how come conservatives don't trust the Gov to handle health care but they trust the gov with the death penalty?

I mean, where are the priorities? Republicans have actually convinced poor uninsured conservative people, that the government would take their choice of doctor away... I say, at least you will have a doctor.

On the other hand, they all are ok when the government handles the death penalty, war, marriage, postal service, road maintenance, schools. Hey if you are a conservative and you don't trust the government with the public school system, then by all means take your kids out of it, send them to private schools. What? Can't afford that? Then home school them. So what if you are not a good teacher? McDonald's has to get future employees one way or another

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Excellent point, especially given that 130 people have been released from death row because they were exonerated by DNA evidence. These are ALL people who were found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Unfortunately, DNA evidence is not available in most homicide cases.

    Not only that - capital punishment costs taxpayers WAY more than life imprisonment.

    Oh, and one more thing: if the "eye for an eye" crowd read their New Testament, they would know that Jesus was against capital punishment:

    - Matthew 5:7

    - Matthew 5:38-39

    - James 4:12

    - Luke 6:36-37

    - Romans 12:17-21

    - 1 Thessalonians 5:15

    - 1 Peter 3:8-11

    - John 8:7

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is no question here, only more ranting against the reps. not sure what the death penalty has to do with health care though.i find it hard to believe you think the gov, be it dem or rep, can do a good job with helthcare. social sec and medicare are gov run programs and they are broke due to poor manangement. you want more of the same. 47 million people at 5,000 a year each in health care cost. that is around 1/6th of the population. now where do you suspect they will get the money to cover that? taxpayers. not the top 5% but the top 60%, the other 40% pay no federal taxes. you have done the math on this one.

  • Matt W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your thought process would seem to indicate that the government can do anything better than private efforts. That is socialism plain and simple. It doesn't make it bad but it does make it something other than what we we have stood for.

    Let's take your comment re: home schooling. Granted that the home school teachers are typically far less credentialled than the teachers in public schools yet those home schooled students (just google home school performance) uniformly outperform publicly schooled students in most any measure of academic performance.

    To rely on the government for individual benefit (e.g. health care, etc.) seems fraught with peril. On the other hand, the government has a role in terms of providing those services that do not have a private market (e.g. national defense, public safety). Hope that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummm, I DO NOT trust the government with schools, here in California I am appalled by the roads we have, marriage is none of the government's business, etc...

    The governments job is to enforce penalties for crimes committed. One such penalty that I HIGHLY support is the death penalty.

    As for health care. It is NOT THEIR JOB. It is privatized and should remain that way. Libs mystify me. They protested George Bush's wiretapping because it "might" somehow infringe on their "right to privacy" but they elected a man knowing he was going to turn health care into a government run industry that has EVERYONES medical records on computer, accessible to Big Brother... where's the outrage now???!!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    not real. all the sellers are by using get their money via the top of September. that's not a "extensive mess" and ending this methodology while the dispensed money improve into all used up makes it a extensive fulfillment! As for well being care, i will take the government the place we've a say in what's finished over grasping assurance companies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some poor liberal families have tried to send their kids to private schools (who have scholarships for them), but the government will not give these families the tax breaks they need to attend these more effective school.

  • Do you know the difference between a public service(police, fire, ambulance) and a private sector? Or did you not attend your Govt classes this week at your local Junior High?

  • Here's a start for you... government need solve only those problems that can only be solved by the collective. Health care need not, in fact cannont be solved by the collective. Law enforcement / citizen protection is a job that can only be solved by the collective.

    No charge.

    Source(s): Blameless Libertarian who understands the Constitution and limited government principles.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the judicial system is a branch of government outlined in the Constitution, health care is a privatized industry

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Better to have a doctor than a job...good point

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