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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why did protester groups walk out on President Ahmedinejad's speech when everything he said was true?

He said that after World War II Western nations had made Palestinians homeless "by exploiting the Holocaust and under the pretext of protecting the Jews".

Jewish migrants, he said, had been sent from Europe and the US after World War II "in order to establish a totally racist government in the occupied Palestine".


Without taking any offense like the protesters did (AND JUST ANSWER THIS QUESTION, DONT GO OFF THE TOPIC), can any one tell logically why anyone would walk out in a UN conference speech? The things he said above are all FACTS of history.



Its funny he talks about eradication of jews, but there are so many jews living in iran. Contradictory?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only the Christian Nations did this. It is because of this blind support that bonds Israel with Christianity through religion. It is hypocritical at best. Because of this bond Christians have been overlooking some of the worst atrocities ever known to man, even by Hitler.

    Say this isn't so? What about the Scriptures you Christians take as fact that has the Jews committing the first ever recorded Genocides and even accomplishing what Hitler could not, complete annihilation of whole nationalities?They are attempting to do this now and succeeding at a slow pace as a facade to tolerance.

    Eight years ago the United States did the same thing at the last race conference. Israel simply didn't like the wording of something and stood up and walked out and we followed right behind them. The world ridiculed us for acting like a child instead of being a leader and hearing everyone out. We are Israeli puppets. We allow thm to illegally possess nuclear weapons and systematically slaughter Palestinians.

    Amadinajad(sp?) is right and the majority of the U.N. who condemn Israeli actions are right also. So why can't a resolution be passed against Israel? Because only five nations in total have veto power and guess who always vetos these resolutions? Not Russia or China or even Britain. It is us. We are enabling Israel's appaling actions and that is the reason we had 9/11.

    As a matter of fact 9/11 happened 3 weeks after we walked out of that summit with Israel and not one news agency linkled the two. That is why we were attacked and we deserved it.

    I know a lot of people are going to try to report my answer. Go ahead, the truth hurts. I have gotten out of a few answer deletes and this one will be real easy to get out of. Hypocrites.

    Source(s): The Bible, History and American Foreign Policy
  • 5 years ago

    Ahmadinejad is the poster child for Holocaust Denial, and doesn't deserve an audience, much less a bully pulpit. The facts of history are that there isn't a single nation in the ME that has a border that predates WWI, and Israel is the most democratically run of them all. After WWI, the Palestinian region was run by British occupiers, who took it from the Turks. The support for a Jewish state was longstanding before WWII, under the Balfour Declaration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many people recognize the needs of the Jewish people while forgetting that the Palestinians are also human beings. Unfortunately religion creates social castes that harm those who are deemed to be the underclass. In the United State it was the indigenous who where caste aside as worthless beings.

    Can you find a way to rectify the harm caused to the Palestinians in a way that is respectful of all involved including the Jewish people?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most of the leaders that walked out are just scared of offending the jews because they are in power in big organisations in their countries, the same reasons they do nothing about israel breaking hundreds of UN Resolution but go to war with other less guilty nations such as Iraq

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He mixed truths like that with a long rant which was unrelated to the topic, and contained what many perceived as a direct insult. Using the summit as a soap box to rattle off Islamic-Iranian propaganda was a little irresponsible of him. Now he's lost a bit of respect worldwide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    from what >I< know

    there were Jewish inhabitants in the region, before and during WWII.

    the influx of refugees meant nothing - tje Jews were buying the soil from the local arabs.

    on 1948 ? the Jewish took initiative and fought AGAINST THE ODDS to protect their newly established country.

    IF someone is guilty of making the Palestinian arabs homeless, it is the ARABS who kept them isolated as a troublemaking core within the Izrael.

    Arabs could grant the Palestinian arabs asylum, yet somehow NOONE wants them

  • beek
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most every nation on earth has been taken over or misplaced people at one time or another. Right or wrong its the way it is and we don't go back half a century later and kill those who now have been living there all their lives, or say that they are pigs and dogs, or wish them nuked into dust.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because he speaks hate and iradication of the Jews, Maybe because once the Jew is gone then he can come after christians.Maybe because God gave Isreal to them and back to them in 1948 I think it was.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure why they would go to hear a Holocaust denier's views on the Holocaust in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They were not "protester groups" dear. They were the representatives of most modern civilized countries on earth.

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