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is the swine flu man made??????

i think it is. isnt it kinda weird how it has spread so rapidly?? when you think about it, its not really flu season, and it sounds really fishy to me.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a simple solution really, if you simply look at it with logical eyes. It shouldn't need to be said but because I do not want this to be overlooked, I will include the fact that ALL mainstream, media companies are tainted and cannot be trusted. Period. When a corporation owns anything then the massage put out will 100% be based on the Corporate Viewpoint. Their is no room for non-biased opinions when profit is effected. So forget about Fox. NBC, CBS & ABC are no different.

    This incredible Library of information called the Internet houses ALL of the knowledge and countless references to prove the information as is available any place on the planet. Just because a person making more money than most of us will ever earn say's something is true, does not make it a fact. The WEB is a little more work but well worth the effort.

    As I was about to explain, what is behind this latest virus most likely came from the exact location as the vast majority of ridiculously odd and never before heard of infections that cover the globe. In case you missed the bird viruses, this is what I find odd. On the east coast, it was the Blue Jay but in Texas and California it was the Crow that carried a deadly and infectious disease. There are also Mosquito's that were here long before people and has caused problems but now their sting is suddenly deadly. Every few years, a different and deadly version of the Flu comes out...without warning(?) and threatens the life of mankind unless you are protected by an injection. Never had one and never had the flu.

    There is also the unexplainable illness that gripped the planet in the early 1980's and supposedly has no cure as well as the disease that has killed a multitude of people including many in my family. Cancer took the life of many people in this country although a plant extract known generically as vitamin B17 has been proved to completely cure and/or prevent cancer with near 100% success but is illegal. I am still researching the Aids virus but the same entity that made B17 illegal was responsible for Aids. The inescapable truth is that the US Government is involved in some fashion with ALL of it and I want 'You' to prove me wrong.

    Before I start getting criticized as a conspiracy nut let me stop it before it has a chance to come to life. I am not. I have simply sought out the truth as anyone would by researching the information. When you were in school and given an assignment to write a term paper on...Glue, for example, what did you do? You read books...etc in order to get a passing grade. There are far more places with unbelievable sources on the internet that can easily provide a person with this information. There seems top be one primary location for a lot of these health problems and it is in the state of Maryland.

    Fort Detrick in Maryland was the birth place of many pathogens that have infected people for one reason or another and so I surmise that this latest illness came from a similar location. The research facility in Maryland was supposed to have discontinued it's medical experimentation but you can bet your last dollar that another location was readied to take over. I'll leave you with an analogy to think about before I close as a reason to believe this as a possibility.

    If you got very sick every time you ate at a particular restaurant and your doctor said you might be allergic to some ingredient they use, would you continue eating there? What if it were owned by a friend or worse, a family member. Would that change the fact that you puked every time you had food from the place? I am a proud American and not simply bashing the government with ridiculous claims because I don't like something. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi said it best and I'll paraphrase, "When something becomes questionable because of a doubt in trust then everything it does is tainted."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? The aim of this group of trillionaires is to kill off 90% of all humanity. They are doing this to lower the world population down to the point where there are just enough people (slaves) left to support them and be much easier to control. Some of the organizations of the Illuminati are the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones Society, Freemasonry, the Bohemians, the Black Nobility, the Vatican, the Club of Rome, the Roundtable, the Majestic Twelve, the Committee of 300 (controls finance, insurance, drug trade, politics, industry, religion); Philosophers of Fire, the Group of Eight (G-8), Rhodes Scholar program, Black Lodge, Aspen Institute, Knights of Malta, World Federalists, The Circle of Initiates, Nine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Tavistock Institute, British Quator Coronati, Mumma Group, Nasi Princes, Milner Group-Round Table, World Economic Forum, Opus Dei, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucians, Knights of the Garter, the Priory of Zion" (who believe they are of the bloodline of Jesus), Prince Charles and the Black Nobility of Europe, the Thule Society-based on a fifth dimension, Theosophical Society, the Witches League for Public Awareness, the Guardians, Key Fraternity, Brotherhood of the Snake, and several others not listed here because of space limitations. You are quite right about them tricking us. I stopped getting vaccinations a long time ago. Swine flu, Aids, Ebola, Bird Flu, Hunta Virus, are all man made diseases that are supposed to contribute, in a big way, to the destruction of humanity.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    finally someone gets it bravo!!!!!!! the swine flu (H1N1) is in the flu vaccine it has been injected into us for years this is how humans got a disease they could not possibly have gotten. look it up on the CDC's website (H1N1) is an ingredient to the flu vaccine H1N1 IS the swine flu but everything is a coincidence right? Omnipres: "Of course the swine flu and every other flu has been injected into us in vaccines. That's how we create immunities." The vaccines don't work obviously so why put harmful chemicals that cause a wide array of disease into your body, it is not worth the risk. Please do your research and be safe before you call others retarded. People are trying to warn you because we care.

  • 1 decade ago

    We as a whole know don't all there is to know about the history of diseases, after all modern medicine hasn't been around that long. I can see how this virus can be natural. A sick bird came into contact with a pig either though direct means or though it's feed or water the pig got sick it already had the gene for the swine flu and they shook hands and then a person with the flu came into contact with the pig or it's food or water and there you go a new flu, every year we get a new flu because they mutate. Just because something is new to us doesn't mean it's never happened before, remember as things go we as an intelligent species aren't exactly old in the grand scheme of things.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think the swine flu is man made. how does all these different types of flu's come together all of a sudden and become one huge virus.. hummhumdrum strange...... The end times are coming....

  • 1 decade ago

    The current virus has a 1/10% chance of occurring naturally, combining elements from swine flu, avian flu, human influenza type A and B and the 1918 Spanish flu virus. It is most likely either a bio-attack by a foreign government, or more likely by our own government to create mass panic and further the march towards socialized health care and ultimately communism. This is the most likely situation due to the 10% fatality rating, our own government would only want to scare people, not wipe out the country. A foreign government seeking to do maximum damage would have a virus that was much more effective.

  • 1 decade ago

    Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of illness and low death rates in pigs. Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to outbreaks in humans. The classical swine flu virus (an influenza type A H1N1 virus) was first isolated from a pig in 1930.

    they is NOW A man made swine flu with as they said “genetic material from pigs, birds and humans in a way researchers have not seen before”

  • scott
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    YES. :(

    It is possible that Swine Flu was a virus created by man and that it either escaped the facility that created it, or was deliberately released by some country to experiment with biological weapons.

    The US said that they had proof that SARS was linked to China and their biological release on the public in Taiwan as punishment for Taiwan breaking away from China.

    The chance that its Swine Flue is man-made is 95% because:

    1. It appeared suddenly this month.

    2. It is a genetic mix of swine-bird-human

    3. It is spreading on a non-flu time of the year

    4. It is spreading rapidly, more so than regular flu

    End of world...probably not, but always a possiblity. This disease was probably released as a statement to America from Russia (Georgia Conflict) or Korea....most likely Korea...for Americas recent protest of their missile launch. They do alot of genetic manipulation with DNA and such....famous for it.

    Source(s): Korea leads world in Genetic research:
  • 1 decade ago

    It is almost 110% a man made disease.

    Like AIDS. Created by the evil elite rulers to achieve their evil plans.

    Go to website like

    Reveals what the illuminati are doing to this planet

    Source(s): research from all sorts of conspiracy website
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I have read on the internet, this swine flu is a virus that combines bird, swine and human virus….or something to that effect. Isn’t that virtually impossible?! I mean, species don’t intermix in this kind of way, right? If I am correct, then this has to be man made. Naturally, this does not exist!!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure sounds like it. The timing is suspicious as is the instant crisis situation and frankly, I don't buy it, I think many of these so called crises are contrived.

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