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piratewench asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Folks with anxiety disorders; How do you get the people around you to take your condition seriously?

I just asked a question on here about an honest to goodness fear that has been giving me panic attacks, asking for some comfort, and within five minutes was hit with a bunch of answers about how I'm being ridiculous, stupid, wimpy, etc. etc. Even though I stated I have an anxiety disorder.

This just brings home how little others actually understand about how difficult anxiety disorders can be to live with. Even my family is this way sometimes. When something is- to me- a real worry, it can make me feel afraid and worry to the point of being sick. They just roll their eyes and act like I'm trying to get attention. I'm not. I've stopped telling them when I'm worried and I guess it was stupid of me to try to bring it up here.

if you have an anxiety disorder, how do you get others- especially your loved ones- to understand that your fear and anxiety is very real, and not just you being 'a wimp'?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is difficult. An anxiety disorder can be very limiting. If someone has a physical disorder, even a common cold, the symptoms can be seen. My opinion is that you should consider treatment with a qualified medical expert, such as a board certified psychiatrist, with the focus on medications. Talk therapy is not a the treatment that I would find to be valuable to you. What you are feeling is as real as a herniated cervical disc. I am afraid that the vast majority of the public thinks you must have symptoms which they can see. I think the disorder is biochemical in nature. Females in their late teens to early 20s are a high risk group. No human would want to experience anxiety attacks and free floating anxiety. You have a disorder that needs medical treatment. Not a chit chat with a social worker, et als.

  • 1 decade ago

    if u go to a psychologist, tell ur loved ones what the psych tells u- many people have it, tell them the symptoms, etc

    sometimes it might take them to see u having a panic attack to believe it..see u shaking, feel ur heartbeat, etc; it isn't just in ur head- these are REAL physical symptoms.. explain to them how uncomfortable it feels and what u are experiencing..

    also tell them that u know it is stupid and in ur head and wimpy...if u could stop it, wouldn't u? it isnt that easy to stop

    i have an anxiety disorder and no one really believed me except one person in my family who has had anxiety attacks before...she was the most help to talk to..maybe u know someone like that who understands what ur going through?

    also- my bf took me to the ER the first time i had one, and once he found out that there was nothing physically wrong with me from the doctor, he would sit and laugh at me when id feel like i was dying during panic attacks afterward, and it would actually make me get worse to the point where id have to leave the room he was in. he then realized it was a little more serious as they got worse and now he helps me relax and get through them..once they realize it is something scary for u that isn't easily controlled once that "feeling" comes, they will have more sympathy

    sometimes i wish that other people who treat me like that would have a panic attack with the symptoms i have and see how stupid or funny it is then...

    Source(s): same problem
  • 1 decade ago

    I have extreme anxiety.

    people take it serious for me becusse they see what it does to me. i shake very badly. and i get panick attacks. to the point i was out of classes for weeks becuase i was so unstable.

    if they don't belive you. try to sit down with your parents and talk to them. tell them that your not faking. and what would you fake something that taes a toll on you and really is imporant. if they still refuse to listen and belive have a school therapist (f you are in school) talk to them. i had to get a 504 plan at scholl becuase i have such extreme anxiety,depression and ADD.

    if your not in school and you have a therapist have them talk to your parents.

    good luck. i hope they finally see how serious it is.

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