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Why can't people ask question with enough detail on here.?

I have been on Answers for some time now and have seen toooooooo many questions asked improperly.

How many time do you come across a question with just the subject header filled and nothing in the body.

How about the ones that keep asking the same question over and over again, day after day, week after week, month after month.

Cant they do a quick search to see if any questions have been asked already on the topic they are seeking and answer to. Okay say they did and they found some already but none pinpointing what they are seeking, then be more precise than the others.

A broad question only deserves a broad answer. A detailed Question does deserve a detailed answer.

I'm tired of guessing on what the question it asking, and trying to give the best advice possible on what they could be asking.

How about the ones I'll give the best answer 10 points or even 11 points. Give me a break! Its not about the points its about the information and knowledge.

Thanks in advance, What????? How about keeping up to the answers to your question and responding to posters. Once you are given the information you need or before the end of your questions time pick the BEST ANSWER and give an answer why.

Keep track of your question, If a person responds and they require more information from you it would benefit to edit your question.

All this said don't give out personal information, or products serial numbers. Be smart.

For this rant I'd like to know if you answer questions are you tired of these pointless askers and love to hear your rant.

Form your answers:

Yes or No

(your rant)


Day 1:

I have read over the post so far.

I thank all so far that have posted an answer that is understandable. You can disagree with me on this. I am not going to get mad at answers that I do not like. Belittling me and/or my question has no effect on me, it only proves my case even more.

Thanks again to all that have answered so far. Here is a test also: If you have came back to read over the post. Edit your answer by putting the date at the bottom of your answer for each day you check back.

Update 2:

Day 2:

Checking back for any edits or new answers.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree whole heartedly with you. If people come here seeking answers then their questions must be posted in such fashion that they can be understood. I especially like the 1's where u have 2 decipher abbrevs n words that only the riter can understand. Sure, they know what they are talking a bout but we the readers do not.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's exactly what I think when I read those kind of Questions. One time, I fully flipped out at one person because they allways gave Questions with no detail. But, I suppose their problem is that they can't be bothered to write a full explanation of what they want to say. And then they Edit their question when somebody doesn't understand but by then it's too late and their question has left the bottom of the catagory page.


    Just me (:

  • Funnel
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because thanks to goofy Liberal minded Loons who have taken the classroom away from teachers who are scared to death to make idiot, spoiled, entitlement minded students behave and pay attention so that they might actually learn something, for fear of being sued or fired, each generation gets a little more stupid because God forbid they have to learn the consequences of their moronic actions by having to repeat a grade but instead are shuffled through the system and gradjamatate barely knowing how to write, read or think for themselves. Intelligent questions on here may get a hand full of intelligent answers. ''Whats your favorite colour'' gets 3-4 pages. Point is, we have become a nation of simpletons.

  • Karen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    How old are?? caus ya sound like a chic with all this chit chat. Just ask her out or get the digets.If she says yes than she probably likes you.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Why can't people just get off their high horse and not worry about stupid **** like this? You must be such a badass for knowing exactly how to postulate your queries. How clever you are to be able to make a commentary on something by using a question. Hooray for you big guy!!

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they dont want to add all the details

    must ppl understand what they are saying

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tell me about it

    like this one my dog got ran ovr what do i do!?!

    well first of all its dead

    blah blah

  • i don't know what you mean you're too vague.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree. =(

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